Chapter 2

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"Ok my man, let me go shower and freshen up so you can go and get clean up too" I say winking at him, he swoons as he watches me walking away from him. I go shower first, I shave the legs, and I already sugared my bikini line before we left on the vacation so I don't need to worry about that. I sugared my bikini like for swimsuit wear. I had no idea my husband is coming on the cruise. I wash my hair, too while thinking about my beautiful man. I accidentally made sex noises and he walks in. "may I join in?" he asks already stripped and I pull him in for hot shower sex. "well I don't think I'm very clean" he says and I laugh. "Would you like me to shower you" he gives me the look but then says "no we need to get ready" he kisses my forehead and I get out of the shower and go brush my teeth. He talks, but I can't talk, so he just talks away. It's nothing important he's just talking to himself as he always does. It's a habit for him to either have music or talking to entertain him in the shower. If I'm not in there with him. We get dressed, and I put on a little makeup. He hasn't told me yet but we're in the elevator to our destination. The door opens, and I see a ballroom filled with balloons, and flowers much like a wedding. We get out of the elevators, and I stop him "honey casual!" I raise my voice. He puts his finger on his lips and I followed him. I see everything, and it looks so beautiful. I get lost by all the decorations, that I don't see him anymore. I don't worry about him considering we're in the same room, but I do see my girls coming towards me with covers. "what's this for?" I ask and they cover me with those covers, and I'm handed a dress by Babe. "put this on Bell" she asks, and I do. I strip and put on the dress that's like a prom dress. "can someone zip me up" I ask and my love moves the cover, I swallow as I see him in a suit. "baby" I say not knowing what else to say but stare at him. "turn around and I'll zip you up" I do and he does it very sensually. "oh my love" I say in a moan. I feel his mouth up to my shoulder and I lean back on him as he kisses my neck. We are so lost in the moment that we forgot there's people around. We start to make out, and we hear the room go "ahem" loudly. 

We look around blushing. "sorry everyone" they all laugh, and it's not just my friends here, but my sisters and other friends we have back home too that came with us. I hear someone say "you both look beautiful" I wave as he walks me up the aisle. I stop him midway "babe are we going to renew our vows" I look in his eyes. He nods, we continue walking up the aisle. The captain of the ship does it for us, because they did limit Patrick on how many people he can take. The max amount is fifty people, he reached it apparently. He has us both facing each other and holding hands, but I say "honey I don't have anything written down" he winks at me. "It's ok babe, just say what's in your heart." He says with a smile and biting his lower lip. "Bella would you like to go first" the captain says in an Italian voice. "Sssssure" I say sounding unsure, but I just say what's in my heart. "Patrick, my sweetheart I couldn't have asked for a more perfect man like you. You are my light that see's through everything. No matter what I know I'm safe when I'm around you. I am more in love with you than I was back when we first met. I want to continue loving and caring for you until the end of time. I love you so much my husband." I say mine and he tears up a little. "Patrick what would you like to say" the captain asks him. My baby smiles, and in comes a piano. "wait what?" I say not knowing what's going on. Not even my friends knew either, everyone is surprised as me. He tells me his vows first before he goes to the piano. "Bella, my beautiful wife. When I first saw you I wasn't sure if you were the right one, but then I did see you at a distance, but when you walked by me. I felt like time had stopped by your beauty. I knew then that we'd be in love. I too love you more now than I did back when we first met. Even back then I still knew we'd be here, well not here, here, but you know what I mean." The room chuckles including me "I love you so much my queen, that will never change no matter what." I teared up a little, and before the captain says "now you may kiss the bride" Patrick says, "mind if I go play now" he asks the captain holding my hands, the captain pointed to he piano. I follow him and I sat next to him. He starts playing 'Me and Mrs Jones' very soulful just like always. I just stare in his eyes while he sings, and he does the same but he plays the piano as well. During the song I start crying because that was our song when we got married, he too played it like this too. It brought back so much wonderful memories that I won't forget. 

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