Kha pulled a face, sinking down onto an empty chair. "Why would I want to? These trips aren't fun. They're workingtrips, and Father will be testing me about matters of the kingdom at all hours of day," he moaned. "Hasn't he always brought Kanefer? Why me!"

His older brother chuckled. "Look at you. Omari and Ahmose would have fits if they saw you like this. You should have seen how those two old fools locked horns this morning. Omari's smile practically split from ear to ear when he stepped out of court, and Ahmose looked like something that crept out from Anubis's cellar." He spat out a seed onto the ground, and it was promptly picked up by one of the servant girls. "Don't you understand how valuable this opportunity is? This is the first time Father is bringing someone other than Kanefer along. They say it is a sign that the throne of Upper and Lower Egypt may fall into different hands, my dear brother."

"You mean me? My hands?" Kha scoffed. "That's ridiculous. Father is clever enough to know that I am the least suitable person to run this kingdom. I'll ruin it! Why don't you go instead? If not Kanefer, then surely you should be next in line."

"Because who else would be better to keep our ambitious older brother in check if not yours truly?" Nefermaat pointed at himself. "I am a sturdy wall of goose fat that cannot be breeched," he joked, his round belly jiggling with laughter. "Father has named me as co-regent in his absence, together with Kanefer. I'll be kept busy enough until you return, so please, make haste."

"When do we leave?"

"Slightly under a fortnight. Plenty of time for you to come to terms with reality, and perhaps brush up on your studies so you don't get an earful from Father for not being to answer any of his questions."

Nefermaat handed his empty bowl over to a servant and walked over to his younger brother, placing one hand on Kha's shoulder. The look of rare seriousness replaced the jovial smile he had been wearing on his face.

"Kha, if I were you, I'd be extra careful from henceforth. The path to being king is often paved in blood, and even if you have no intention of taking the throne, that decision may not be yours to make. There are those who would not hesitate to remove what they believe to be a stone in their path, even though said stone is in actuality only a tiny pebble minding its own business."

"You're exaggerating, Nefermaat. I'm not even a pebble! I'm only a speck of sand who wants nothing more than to roam freely, to explore the world without these shackles," Kha replied, gesturing at the golden cuffs he wore around his arms. "When Kanefer or you, or maybe even Iynefer, takes over the throne, that's when I'll be off and away, seeking my riches wherever the wind takes me."

Nefermaat shook his head. "May the future be as straightforward and simple as you wish it to be, younger brother," he said quiet smile. "I'll be off now. There's a mountain of scrolls waiting in my office that needs attending to. Enjoy the next couple of days of freedom before Father puts you in chains and drags you away for your prison sentence."


After Nefermaat's departure, Kha made a sneaky escape from the palace and headed into the city centre. Perhaps the hustle and bustle of the markets would help take his mind off the impending "prison sentence", as his brother had aptly described.

The glorious weather was shining down from above, with the sun's rays bathing Memphis is a sheen of brilliant gold. Kha's mood was quite the opposite. He kicked at the sand and gravel beneath his sandals, ruing the day when he would need to leave the capital to set off on this lonely, tragic journey with his father the almighty king. There would be no Nefermaat to feed him correct answers, no Iynefer to jostle for attention and no Kanefer to outshine them all.

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