Chapter 1

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Louis got off the bus home from school, miserable, tired and sore. He was forced to attend school after a messy break up with his girlfriend of two years, which had lead Louis to breaking a mirror, bruising his knuckles and he then ended up overly pissed with himself for doing something so outrageous. 

Louis didn't care much about his life anymore. He felt broken, torn to pieces and it all happened in one day. He thought him and Eleanor would last forever.

Louis rested his hand gently against his chest. He wasn't ready to go home. He just needed time to clear his buzzing brain and his sore head.

He sighed, stopping to listen to a local busking on the side of the footpath. He looked to be old, older than Louis thought he could count. His clothes hung low and were covered in a mixture of liquids and filth. But Louis felt like he had to give realizing he was being held back by his ex, totally forgetting about the outer place around him.

Louis placed the twenty dollars in the small container, which was sitting right beneath his feet. He stood up to watch the older man's reaction. A small smile cracking onto his red lips as he walked off. Having given to somebody in need of a little cash had made him feel special. He felt like he was actually part of this small town they called Doncaster.

Louis continued his slowly wander around the town, the rain kicking in halfway through. It causing him to huff loudly and pull his hood up on his jumper, trying to stop the rain from spoiling his new hair.

Liam sighed, his head throbbing, his back aching and his fingers trembling from the cold air biting at his neck. He was used to the weather though. He was also to used to the horrid people on the streets around, because well... They hurt him. 

He gulped when he saw the three taller boys, maybe in their late teens. Liam could tell by the way they were staring at him that they were just about to pounce. Hurt him, hit him, maybe even kill him?

The impact of Liam's back being crushed against the wall would make anybody look around. It hurt and all Liam could feel was the stinging, aching and throbbing pouring around his body. It was way too normal for Liam, well far too normal actually.

He felt one of the older boys clasping his wrists above his head as another played with his belt and button on his pants, making him squeal and try to kick his legs up. It lead to him realizing he was too weak, too worthless and too pathetic to try and fight a bunch of boys clearly stronger than him, but what they were about to do to him, made him want to run away and hide, hide anywhere but here.

After Liam was raped, played with and left on the footpath for dead, Louis appeared. He was partly lost from his walk, when he took a wrong turn back up near the post office. Upon realizing he had stepped into the dangerous side of Doncaster he smiled. He felt like he was in his home again. He smirked as he kicked the small rubbish bin over with his left foot, grinning widely when he saw the mess he had made of the alley way beside him.

Louis frowned, leaning hard up against the wall as he followed the small line of blood. He thought it may have belonged to him, from the oozing wound on his knee, but it didn't. It lead to the small Wolverhampton boy, his face buried deep into his jumper and his legs tucked up under his stomach. It showed that he had tried to fight back, but lost. That he was hiding, but failed. That he was broken, and maybe never to be fixed again.

The urge to help Liam was biting away at Louis' stomach. It made him want to run away and hide, but also to just scoop Liam up and carry him home. He went with his heart, which was telling him to help. He smiled as he scooped Liam up, fixing the boys boxers that hung low around his ankles before he headed home.

Halfway home Louis arms were getting weak. Liam wasn't heavy, he was probably far too light for his age and height, but it was more the fact that Louis had watched Liam for the past hour and he hadn't moved once. He could feel his body becoming limp as he hurried over to the waiting taxi. Louis had a thought running through his head. He was dead.

Louis didn't know whether to cry or to scream. He knew nothing about the boy, all he knew was what had happened to him. It was simple, when you find somebody half dead in a side alley, you catch on pretty quick to what may of happened.

He tapped his foot impatiently, before fishing his phone from his pocket, sighing deeply as he dialled Emma's number. He was glad it was only the house maid that was home. His sisters were out at a school dance for the night and then they had school camp the next week and his parents were never home. They never really cared much about their children. They just paid for their mistakes and living lives.

When Emma picked up the phone, Louis was relieved. He didn't want his parents to find out he was running around the streets with a possibly dead boy, let alone the fact that he looked like he had just fallen through a hedge backwards, his jeans were dusty and dirty with a noticeable tear now present at the front by his hip and his jumper was no longer the nice shade of grey that it once was. 

Louis went straight home, listening to every word Emma had told him. He rushed up to his room, placing Liam gently on his bed. He had lied to Emma and told her he knew Liam, even though he knew nothing, he was doing it for the younger lads protection, he wasn't willing to put him back out on the streets again.

Emma tended to Liam's oozing wounds with the first aid kit, before giving Louis a warm bucket of water and a sponge. "You will have to give him a sponge bath. He will probably feel more comfortable with you" Emma said with a smile, walking out of the room and slowly closing the door, leaving Louis and the unknown boy by themselves.

He slowly picked up the soft sponge, running it softly down the boys arm, removing the red stains, as well as the dirt and grim. He paled slightly, as he moved onto Liam's legs, the area that had the most impact.

After an hour of Louis sponge washing Liam's body, he relaxed leaning up against the wall. The cold air from the window hitting his arms harshly. He leaned forward pulling the blanket up over Liam's arms. 

"Sleep tight buddy."


Hmm, I'm not to sure on this chapter, :(  

I'll be updating a far bit soon due to the fact that I'm having an operation next Friday! Blah!

EDITED: 1/04/2015

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