'Is this the right time to confess? Should I confess my feelings since she already found out.' he said, starting to debate himself whether to confess or not. 'It's now or never, Baji'

"A million years!!!" he shouted, perplexing the girl who's sitting on her bed facing him. He continued:

"A million years are not enough to describe how long I will wait for you. Even if you'll reject me after this, I will always be by your side. I won't leave you, I guarantee that Y/N."

He told what he had been trying to say. He thought Y/N will say something afterward, but no. He was met by a hush as it packed the room. The distant voices, machines, and footsteps were the only ones to be heard.

'Shit. Is it a bad time to admit my feelings today?' sensing the tension in the room as he keeps his stance still.

The (h/c) girl smiled at his confession, the boy cannot see the girl's current expression as his eyes were on the floor. Y/N noticed that his body started shaking due to bowing for so long. She stated:

"I won't reject you, Kei. You can stand straight now." As soon as the (h/c) girl said that, he felt relief taking all over his body. He stood up straight and faced the beautiful girl in front of him.

"However" she halts, putting a confused face on Baji's face. "Let's not officially date until we're both on the legal age, okay?"

"Of course! I can wait Y/N!" Baji expressed and grinned afterward.

"I heard it's gonna rain tonight." Y/N shifted the topic, earning Baji's attention. His frowning expression was shown as he was displeased by what he heard.

"It's not going to rain tonight because I said so!" He stated, receiving a smile from Y/N.

"Okay, if you say so." She said, opening her book from her lap. Baji was confused about how the (e/c) girl acts today.

"Do you want something?" he queried. Y/N faced Baji, interlocking her eyes to his. She opens her mouth and said:

"Kei, what would you do if I die?"

'Huh? What is she talking about?" he thought to himself.

"What do you mean?" he inquired.

"It's exactly what you heard, Kei" she told, not a hint of jest was found nor emptiness as it was pure of curiosity.

"Of course, I won't be able to accept your death and might not be able to move on." he genuinely said, laughing nervously because of Y/N's blank expression on her face.

"Then I'll do my best to recover fast."

"And I will wait for your fast recovery, Y/N."

"Yeah. After leaving this hospital, let's go visit Tora."


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