The whole church thing was a big blur and I remember the Cemetery.

I was crying , I was going to jump in with the casket. Isaac had to hold me back , did anyone really expect less of me ? I was my mothers baby ! Her princess ! And she left me it was only right that I wanted to die too.

Isaiah held Amaris because she was going as crazy as I was.

My dad. He looked lost as he stared at the casket being lowered. He was losing a wife and a long time friend.

I actually tried to calm down , I ripped my self from Isaac arms and ran giving my father a big hug then looking up to see tears running down his cheeks.

"Daddy I miss her ," I cried.

"I do as well ," he said rubbing my back.

Once they started to cover the casket with dirt , my Dad turned my face so I wouldn't watch.

We walked back to the car and me and Amaris held each other in the back seat the whole car ride home. It was so silent the ride home , the car was only filled with sniffles from me and Amaris.

We was not having those fucking after maths when everyone comes back to yours to eat.

My mom hated them things , she believed people only came to eat and take extra to go plates to be greedy and selfish , she hated that. Those things where meant to be held so you could remember the person of passing.

She didn't care for tradition or if it was a Sin , was my Rebel mum , lol that's what I called her.

I wiped tears from my face and looked around the silent car at everyone as Dad drove.

"I remember Mum used to ," I started taking at deep breath before I started again ," I remember When I was seven and Mum used to curse out the neighbors for complaining about me singing so loudly in the yard , " I chuckled remembering that memory.

"I remembered when mum beat me and Isaiah ass that time we snuck twins in the yard and fucked them in the living room ," Isaac said laughing.

"Yeah I remember that day as well , she then kissed us on the cheek after that beating then told us "You both are of age but on my coach ? Like Son you both have your own rooms for a reason," Isaiah said as he laughed.

"Remember after we went to bed she would come and kiss us on our forehead , she didn't stop even when we stress we where getting old , " I said.

"But she said " Every single one of you will always be my babies , because you guys came from me and if I want to kiss y'all I can y'all are mine ," she'd say ," Amaris said repeating our mothers words.

We all shared a hearty laugh , first one since two weeks after reviewing the news.

"I remember when we had to go to parent meeting at you guys school and your Mum would curse all your teachers out just for talking bad about you two , "Dad told Isaiah & Isaac.

"Mum is a Don ! " Isaiah said.

"She always has been man ! She is the best,"Isaac nodded.

We all agreed on that.

"When she use to pick me up she had all the dude jaws hanging from her beauty , mum is a gem !" Amaris shouted and she was damn right.

Mum was beautiful.

"You look just like her Dream , " Isaac said pulling me close to him and I smiled.

She used to say I was the younger her , I was her but I got to live my life differently the way I wanted to. She would laugh and say I was her twin that she birth if that was possible.

I had no problem looking like her , she was my mum. She knew me like the back of her hand. . .

"Yeah , you look like her when I met her at 17 , exactly the same,"Dad said as he drove smiling at me from the rearview mirror.

I laughed randomly , "Remember when Mum slapped the cashier because he put the money on the floor and told her pick it up," I laughed.

"Aw man that Slap echoed through the shop and she got the man fired too , "Amaris said.

Memories of Mum had us Dying with laughter and made us full with Life as she drove us home.

This was all we needed for a after math no food our anything to full our bellies, just good old memories of Mum.

As we got Home , I let out a deep sigh.

Home felt so different now.

I got inside and ran up stairs and into my room.

I laid on my bed and kept the tears from coming.

I rolled over on my bed and hugged my pillow.

Mum would lay next to me and talk to me when I was down , even talk to me when she was the one who was pissing me off.

I sniffed , all these memories of mum was running through my head.

I looked on to my counter and seen the last thing my mother had gave me.

The Diary.

I picked it up and it smelt of my mothers Perfume and I smiled as I remembered my birthday , it felt like she was giving it to me all over again.

I opened it , I never really touched it after I got it , never had a real chance too.

A Picture of the whole family was on the first page with words on the bottom.

Happy Family.

With a note at the bottom that read :

Happy Birthday Baby girl , your finally seventeen Dream. My youngest of four you are becoming a woman ! I'm so happy I'm crying actually writing this . Okay , *sniff sniff * I'm giving you this Diary / Journal /Notebook whatever you kids now and days want to call it for you to vent because I will not always be here and I'm sorry if that's a harsh reality to know but it's True. Baby I'm sick but you don't have to worry about that because until my dying day I will already I repeat always be here for you Dream. My Little Twin - reincarnation lol. But this is for you to write away your worries because if I'm not here at least you can write your thoughts , memories , ideas and Dreams < -- haha your name. I love you baby and by the way this is not your only gift hehe I actually put your other nicer gift in your desk draw in the far back haha. I love you Dream with my while Heart and Soul.

From : Your Mama - Believe

 Written in her beautiful handwriting. . .

I was laughing and crying all over again as I finished the note.

I stood up and went to the desk and went inside the draw pulling out a long box , I covered my mouth tears running down my face as I opened the box to see a bracelet with my name and a matching necklace like the same thing I had gotten her.

Great minds think Alike.

I laughed , She was the greatest mum ever.

I laid back on the bed and picked up the Diary opening up to the second clean sheet and grabbed the pen attached to the diary and begin to wrote with mum in mind.

Dear Diary. . .

Her DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now