Chapter 3. Problems

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During the fight with the Hybrid autobots meet their other enemy.. Decepticons and Megatron himself. Optimus was worried the Hybrid would join his enemy's side but he didn't know one thing.. The Hybrid wanted to destroy everything and everyone. It was uncontrollable. Amon, the ancient god and enemy of all living beings in StarCraft dimension. But the Hybrid was doing one last thing he was told.. to destroy. Now both autobots and deceptions had a joint enemy.

-Optimus, I see you've got some new friends, - said the unknown for Kerrigan and Artanis jet as he transforms.

-Megatron, - said Prime with anger as he and Bulkhead transformed their servos into guns.

-I can see that he's only going to waste our time, - grunted Kerrigan loud enough for the evil Lord to hear.

-Why don't you introduce the new guests to me, Prime? - chuckled Megatron as he pointed his blaster at the Queen of Blades. Kerrigan only grins a bit.

-So predictable, - said Kerrigan loudly, almost shouting.

Just after that a giant creature comes out of the ground behind Megatron. Everyone lowers their guns in shock, staring at the big, wide creature who is almost as tall as Megatron, just a bit taller. It was covered with sharp spikes. The only ones who stayed calm are Kerrigan and Artanis, because it was the Ultralisk under Kerrigan's control. Artanis knew that Ulktralisk is, he had killed plenty of those creatures.
It's been a few seconds after it came out of the ground. Then it attacked Megatron. However, Megatron transformed and flew off and flew back, firing at the unknown for him creature. When he tried to fly under it, while shooting, the Ulktralisk stomped on it, not letting him go.

-It should hold him off for some time, - murmured Kerrigan to the others.

Optimus nodded and continued to go in the direction of the third Hybrid's coordinates and others followed him.

-Are we just gonna ignore what happened? - asked Bulkhead.

-What you've seen is just one Ulktralisk. - answered Kerrigan.

-You know that creature?

-More, I control it.

-But how did you bring your Swarm here, Queen of Blades? - asked Artanis.

-I didn't.

-Then how was your unit here?

-I used my psyonic powers on some animal to turn it into larva and I got Ulktralisk out of it.

Optimus wasn't satisfied with Kerrigan turning Earth creatures into "monsters" but he kept quiet. The way to the third Hybrid was silent. As the fight began, Optimus told Bulkhead to stay out of the fight because the Hybrid is dangerous even for autobots so he lets the guests take care of the problem. Bulkhead then returns to base by groundbridge.

~Meanwhile at the base~

-Okay, first of all why did almost no one answer? - asked Jack.

Arcee looked down at him and replied:

-We were busy.

-With what? - curiously asked Raf, taking a step forward.

-Mind your own business. You'd better fo home before Optimus comes back. We're all still busy, - the grumpy doc said.

-But why? - Miko asked.

-We'll tell you when we're done, - Arcee answered patiently.

-Not fair, why do you exclude us at the most interesting events? I don't wanna be left out, - the pink haired girl whined.

Miko turns her head to Bulkhead as he scoops her up with his hand, looking at her worriedly. Then he spoke:

-Miko, what we are dealing with is very dangerous, we're trying to protect you guys.

-But what if we can help you? - Raf asked.

-I doubt it, - mumbled the still grumpy doc.

Bumblebee and Arcee transform and take the kids home.

-I get it, you don't wanna tell us, but can you at least understand our point of view? - asked Jack, but suddenly Arcee cut him off.


-Alright, alright then.

The ride home was quiet.

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