CH. 11.3 Call Me Baca

Start from the beginning

"They didn't, thanks to his big sister. But what are we going to do?" Alex hadn't meant to blurt that out in front of the children.

I have a terminal case of foot-in-mouth disease. At least I didn't tear her a new one for being more outraged about a boy being raped than a girl.

"Why, it's easy. We'll feed them and clean them up and introduce them to the girls of the Mercy Tent while you have a little discussion with Cale," Raba said easily.

The raid was over, so Alex was able to find Cale quickly at Rake's sword training ring. He and his students always met there after the raid for debriefing and the brothers decided to join in. The night was clear but succumbing to the chill of the evening. The stars spread in a patchwork circle above them in the sky like diamonds on black velvet, with only the occasional cloud to disturb the pattern. The moon was a crescent of mother-of-pearl that hung, not full, in the sky. The sword ring was dimly lit, torches mounted high in stands kept it shadowy and low to the ground.

"Cale, it's so awful!" Alex broke down into her usual post-raid tears.

Cale frowned and put his arm around Alex to comfort her. Rile came over and they took their customary spots on each side of Alex. Gabe was still busy in this phase, giving orders and talking with Rake.

"There was a little boy inside this time," Alex sobbed.

She suddenly had everyone's full, focused attention, including Gabe and Rake. She looked up at the tense silence and saw all the formidable glares. She sighed inwardly at the sexism yet again. Then another wave of emotion crashed over her.

"But his sister protected him. She . . . she . . ." Alex drew in a shuddering breathe because she didn't want to cry in front of Rake. She knew she looked terrible right now, covered in dust and sweat-streaked tears through the dust and dirt on her face.

"You don't need to elaborate," Rake said, holding up both hands, color draining from his hide.

"But she said Flint had a special customer for him tonight." Alex said, carefully watching Rake's reaction. She now saw a useful ally in Rake and was more than happy to exploit his weakness.

"Then I will find him." Rake's face fell, as if carrying a great weight. "Ever since Aris was murdered, I was suspected of having such . . . tendencies. Now it will be useful to me," he said, looking wan and weak.

Rake had just cemented her unwavering admiration and Alex judged by the brothers' expressions that they were firmly in her camp.

"Rake, I told the girls that they could start taking knife and sword lessons tomorrow. Would you be interested in teaching them?" Alex asked.

"Of course. I have a new class of striplings. Although I have no female students."

Alex was glad that at least Rake looked a little ashamed of that and she narrowed her eyes at him, measuring her next words.

"Why don't you have Raba act as chaperone for a girls' class?" Alex had wanted a class for a while, but was reticent to bring it up to the formidable Rake and wasn't sure how he would treat the girls.

Rake drew patterns in the gravel with his boot while he spoke. "Before I joined your raids, I never would have even considered such a notion. But the harsh realities of child prostitution have changed me in one way and seeing Dola and Raba care for the little girls have changed me in another."

Alex had a sudden thought and leaned close to Cale. "Could Rake adopt that little boy and girl?" she whispered.

Cale smiled at her. "Great minds work alike. Yes and no. Agama society is complicated and both children need a mother figure." He nodded significantly at Raba.

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