Ticci Toby x Reader (Female!!!)

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y/n point of view-

It was another boring day in high school,well at least the day was over,When I randomly herd my name be called.It was my best friend Brian.Brian was weird he always hung out in the woods and wore a yellow hoodie and black pants,and when he didn't have his mask on he had a mark on his neck. "Hey y/n!!"Brian yelled while running over to me. "Hey Brian".Brian always met me outside the building at the end of the day to say goodbye then we wold go our separate paths,and he would walk behind the school into the woods and just disappear. "Hey y/n you know I was thinking,You want to meet my friends?"I was in complete shock he never invites anyone to meet his friends,or ever to walk with him."S-sure,When do we leave?"I was so nervous,I mean he's only ever invited one person too his house,my bully Eric statesmen.Brian was an odd person,never really talked to anyone,unless he wanted them to come over but even then,then next day they would go missing. "We leave right now,We have to get there before it gets dark.The woods aren't safe at night".

We walked for a good ten miles deep into the woods,and didn't stop there was no sign of people anywhere in here.Honestly i'm glad I have him,or else I might have gotten lost.I looked up from staring at me feet to see a tiny  black log cabin.He put his finger up to his mouth and motioned for me to follow him,but be quiet.I hope that's what he means. We both entered the cabin and it was bigger than expected,there was a man staring at me when we walked in.He had a multi-colored hoodie on and a huge gash on the side of his mouth on the left side,and a mask hanging from one ear.He looked cute honestly.I looked away hoping he didn't notice me staring at hi,and to hide the tremendous amount of blush plastered on my face,from how hot he is.He stood right there, "H-hey my n-name T-Toby".He seemed happy and welcoming,but also shy at the same time.I looked behind Toby and saw Brian cuddling with the other person on the couch,and based on what Brian has told me about his 'lover' that's Tim.

Toby's Point of view-

Brian was at school and I was left at home with Masky. He was on his phone and already gave me a warning to stay silent,but there's nothing to-do around the house.I randomly herd the door open and saw Brian and another person,a young girl,probably around my age.She was cute,and hot.I got off the couch and made my way over to her,and introduced myself.She seemed embarrassed.The girl looked at me and then behind me to where Hoodie and Masky were cuddling,or in this case Brian and Tim.She seemed more interested in them and really focused her gaze witch made me a little tingly,but not really.

Third point of view-

Brian looked up and out the window to realize it was already dark.  He made an announcement that you would have to stay the night and could either sleep with Toby or on the couch.You chose to sleep with Toby.He smiled but didn't look as if he was truly happy.Brian and his lover or Tim went into a room with a sign on it that read, " TOBY.STAY.OUT!"Toby motioned for you to follow him.You followed him down a large hallway into a room,that was decorated very nicely.Toby had blue and black walls and rock posters up,and some creepypasta one's,And his bed had Slenderman sheets. You walked over to his bed and layed down on one of the pillows before covering yourself up.Before you could even try to fall asleep you felt something at your side,Toby was lying down with you and also had his arms wrapped around you.before you went to bed Toby whispered in your ear, "Goodnight my baby bird".

Three years later -

You and Toby ran around the house trying to catch your kids who stole your documents for your meeting.You ran after your son as Toby ran after the twins. "Ollie get back here!",You screamed as you rand through the house.Meanwhile Toby was dangling from the stars,by a rope,because the twins tied him up.

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