Jasmine nodded smiling and Dally went into the living room

"Daddy !" Chirped Sherine happily

Smiling tenderly, Dally tenderly lifted his daughter in his arms

"Hey sweetheart" Dally kissed Sherine tenderly on the cheek

"Happy birthday daddy

- Thank you my heart" Smiled Dally tenderly

"Daddy, where are Leïla and Naël ?

- At school, sweetheart, they come home tonight

- I don't like that they're not here, I can't wait for them to come back

- Me too my heart"

Jasmine entered the living room at the same time, accompanied by Lady

"Mommy !" Chirped Sherine happily

"Hey my heart" Smiling tenderly, Jasmine tenderly cupped her daughter's face in her hands and kissed her tenderly on the cheek

Sherine giggled tenderly

"Did you wish your daddy his birthday, sweetie ?"

Sherine nodded happily

Jasmine smiled tenderly, tenderly stroking her daughter's cheeks with her thumbs

"You come my loves, breakfast is ready"

Dally nodded and stole a tender kiss from Jasmine

Jasmine smiled tenderly at him before tenderly taking his hand, tenderly intertwining their fingers, and leading him into the kitchen

Dally smiled fondly

He tenderly settled Sherine in her chair and they began to eat

A little later in the afternoon, Jasmine, accompanied by Sherine, Lady and the puppies, went to pick up the twins from school

"Daddy !" Exclaimed Leïla and Naël happily, entering the house

"Hey my loves" Smiling tenderly, Dally tenderly hugged his children

"Happy birthday daddy

- Thank you my treasures" Dally tenderly kissed his children on the forehead

Jasmine, tenderly holding Sherine in her arms, watched her husband and children with love and tenderness from the front door of the living room

Naël turned to his mother "Mommy, can we give daddy his presents ?

- Of course my heart, we were waiting for you to be there to give them to him" Smiled Jasmine tenderly before going to get the presents

A few minutes later, Jasmine and Dally were sitting on the sofa, the twins were sitting on the rug, Sherine was sitting on Leïla's lap and Dally was opening his presents

An Outsider's Love Story ~ Dallas WinstonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora