Chapter 31 || Y/n's POV

Start from the beginning

"Okay, I get it. She is gorgeous but you can't trust blue eyes." I gripped the chains of my swing, resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

"No, but I told you, she had dark feathers in her aura. But there was a shiny outer layer of her aura that I connected to the masked threat. And also the same warped murkey colors except way more obvious in this dude. He was only beautiful on the outside while at least Kokomi is more genuine, or at least tries to be. After I met you, I told everyone that your aura was the greatest."

I winced. She brought attention to me when I specified I didn't want it.

"I'm sorry, Hinashi. I really didn't mean to cause all of this."

"it's Y/n now. that period of my life is over. Just continue."

"Okay, so what I'm theorizing is that Sister got jealous and told Brother. Brother then proceeded to study you to get payback for his dear little sister. I don't know Teruhashi too well, but it seems like she can't stand not being the center of attention."

"Yeah, at least in Kusuo's eyes," I scoffed. "Still, it's odd someone like her would ever obsess over someone like him."

"Are you just saying that because you're protective over him?"

I whipped my head towards Aiura. clearly her noseyness had not changed.

"Shut up. I'm just wondering if her only reason is because she suspects he has powers. When I first met him, it didn't take me long to assume he had something going on. And considering she knew I had powers, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch."

Aiura nodded. "Yeah, but quiet guys tend to have the biggest dicks. So that's what she could have been after, too."

My mouth dropped. "What-"

"Oops, sorry! Anyways Teruhashi doesn't even know you have powers. The information revealed wasn't even real. I didn't let them know, Y/n. I swear I'd never do that."

" you just lied to them? But then why would they make such a big deal of it? Aiura, how could it not have been real if the outcome was so disastrous? I literally had to flip my entire life around because of whatever you revealed."

"I'm sorry, really. And I'm still fuzzy on my hypothesis. I mean, I guess it doesn't make sense why her brother would be so obsessed with exposing you."

"Well..." I said, pondering the possibility. "He's actually pretty obsessed with Teruhashi, I hear. he's also... famous? I think?"

"Obsessed? With his own sister? How so..."

We exchanged a look. "Yes," I sighed. "Yes, it is in that way. He really is fucked up."

Aiura covered her mouth in disgust. "Who is he?? Is he really famous? I bet if we exposed him we could get bank."

I shook my head, kicking the mulch at my feet. "No, we're talking A-list. He has millions of fans. They would make us into the bad guys. it's... Matsu- Mugami Toru."

Aiura gasped. "Wait- not the-??"

I grimaced. "Yes, that magician dude."

She shrieked, horrified. Her limbs flailed and as a result of being on a flimsy swing, she fell off. I covered my mouth but a laugh burst out anyways. I rushed to help her up but fell down with her, and we both burst out laughing. Lying with her on the ground, flashbacks of our friendship washed over my mind. I missed these days. Then again, it had ended disastrously.

Our laughter faded as we admired the views of the darkening sky. The stars were starting to come out, and they were beautiful. It would be a perfect memory if Kusuo were...

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