.0.5. cursing my name - intro

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I think it's funny how your mouth carries your ego, but one punch would shut you up. You live your life thinking that everyone loves you. That everyone agrees with you. But who agrees with your rich person ideals? None of us have had the luxury of being able to go home to our large estate in the fancy neighborhood filled with family heirlooms of precious history.

But you're the only one who cares about that precious history. You're the only one who cares that your twice great grandfather made a profit off of the industrial revolution with his ridiculous invention that isn't even relevant anymore. I can't even remember the name of it.

God, you are so entitled. You complain about everything. Everything. Just let it go for once.

Sometimes I want to punch the ego out of your mouth while telling you that you aren't all that. Maybe I will someday. Maybe I won't. Who knows? I just hope one day you can understand how fucking annoying you are.

You get mad at me when I say something indirectly directed to you and start cursing my name to your rich entitled friends. Do you get mad because it's true? Or do you realize it's about you and get mad? But that would mean you're self aware. That means you know you're a bitch.

Give it up.

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