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The girls were sitting in the harem and talking, they didn't have much to do today because part of the girls were getting ready for a party meant for Sultan Bayezid .

A cheerful little girl ran into the harem as the maid chased her to get her. "Sultana, we must go, your mother is waiting for you with your sister" The girl looked her with a look that begs her to stop, visibly tired of running after her like this.
"I don't want to go to my mom's. I want to go to my father, I order you to take me!"
"Sultana, Sultan's busy now, you can going to his  tomorrow"
All of a sudden I felt a little girl take my hand.
"Take me to my father"
"But sultana"
The little girl pulled my hand and I went after her, after calfa gave me the approval.
"My name is Sahuban, but everyone calls me Sah, What's your name?"
"My name is Elena, Sultana."
She paused and looked at me "You're so beautiful" I didn't expect this, but I honestly laughed from the heart.
"You're also a very beautiful sultana" She smiled and bowed to me and thanked me like a little princess.
"Let's hurry, I want to see my father"
We came to the quarters where he was standing  mans, who just kept quiet and looked at the floor .
"I demand that you let me go to my father!"
"Sultana we can't do that because sultan is busy right now"
"But I want to see my dad"
Suddenly, sah is started crying and i didn't know what i could do.
"Sultana don't cry we can go to your mother and sister."
" NO, I want to go to my father's"
All of a sudden I heard the door to the room open and I see a man come out of chambers.
"Atmaca Pasha i want to see my father!" 
"Come in Sultana, Sultan can't wait to see you" The man smiled and stepped aside so we could pass.

I entered the chambers with Sah Sultan. At the table sat the most beautiful man I'd ever see. I quickly pulled myself together because I realized I was staring and bowed to Sultan. I let go of the hand of a little girl who gleefully ran into her father's arms.
"Sah, my most beautiful moon"
"Dad, I missed you, so I decided to come."
"I miss you a lot, too."

I watched them as they sat and talked so beautifull

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I watched them as they sat and talked so beautifull.  I remembered my father and my childhood, emotions started to overwhelm me and I didn't dare allow that, so I went to the bookshelf and looked books.

"Are you from Russia?"  I heard a voice behind me and quickly closed the book and looked down.  "Yes, I am, Sultan ."
"You can keep the book because I see you liked it because you didn't look away from it."  Sultan Bayazid said and laughed.  He was beautiful as he laughed.  "But I can't accept it, it's forbidden."  "Not if I let you, you can retire, Sah Sultan will stay with me tonight"
"Thank you" he just laughed at this and nodded.  I bowed and withdrew, with a smile on my face.As soon as I got out, I saw Isabella watching me. "Did the sultan give you a book?" It's none of your business,Mind your own business! "I was quick back to harem,Aware that isabel would tell me and create a potential problem for me. I put the book under my pillow and went asleep.

"Elena wake up!" I felt someone shake my shoulder.  It was Katarina.
"The whole harem is talking about you."  "Why, what I was doing?" "Girl Sultan gave you a book, SULTAN." "How do you know that? " I tried to stay indifferent. "Isabela saw you coming out of his quarters with a book."  I just rolled my eyes at this. Of course the little gossip had to tell everyone. "As if it mattered, he saw that I liked the book and gave it to me."
"Sultan Bayazid has never been like that to any woman, not even to Defne. He doesn't like anyone to touch his things, which he obviously allowed you to do."  Catarina told me laughing.
"Enough, Catarina, we have work to do."
I rolled my eyes with a small smile, for I felt strange at the mention of the Sultan.

3hrd person
"Let me in quickly I have important news from the Sultana."Gulsah ran fast to tell the big news
"What's going on with this yelling? Who's that?" Defne asked angrily,  Bayazid had not called her into the chambers for two days. She also found out they were having a party for the sultan .
"Gulsah hatun wants you to see her." maids said.
"What does she want now? Let her in!"
Gulsah came in and bowed
"Sultana, Sultana, I have news for you" Gulsah hatun quickly reached the chambers of Defne Sultan . 
"What happened Gulsah?"  Defne asked confused. 
"Sultan gave the book to a slave girl."
"What? He wouldn't do that, he wouldn't even let me get close to the shelves, not get a book. That's not true. It's probably another harem gossip." 
"No, I checked Sultana,Isabela told me, she saw her coming out of Sultan's chambers with a book." Defne got annoyed and shouted "Gulsah go find her and bring her I want to see who it is."
Here's a longer chapter of 900+ words
Thanks to everyone who reads the book.I hope you like this chapter. If you liked, leave a comment to comment on the characters and story action  together.

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