twenty eight

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"so hows recording been?" alannah questioned, twisting the phone cord around her index finger. "amazing! i think you're really gonna love all the songs!" kirk spoke. alannah could tell he was smiling from ear to ear.

"thats great! i really miss you" alannah admitted. "i miss you more...hows molly?" kirk questioned. "she's good! she has a boyfriend now so she's not home as much, but i dont mind. i spend alot of time with raina and allie" the teen spoke.

"im glad theyre there to keep you company" he nodded. "yeah...ive even gone to visit chefela a few times" alannah smiled. "really?" kirk questioned, sounding surprised.

"i mean yeah, why wouldnt i?" alannah giggled. "are you gonna be back sometime during the summer?" alannah questioned again. "um im not sure...sorry" he apologized.

alannah just rolled her eyes at her boyfriend. "its okay" she sighed. "uh have any plans tomorrow night?" kirk questioned. "yeah my new friend, devonte is throwing a huge party at his place, so i'll probably go" she shrugged.

"isnt that dude a jock?" he questioned. "yeah, you got a problem with it?" alannah scoffed. "i mean those dudes are assholes, do you really think you should be hanging out with him?" kirk asked.

"he's really nice actually, so stop assuming" alannah spoke, shaking her head in disappointment. "whatever, i gotta go" he quickly spoke. "of course you do" alannah sighed, hanging up without saying goodbye.

this long distance stuff wasnt working for alannah. she had been so frustrated with kirk the whole time he was gone. and its like every little thing pissed her off now. her relationship with kirk was slowly deteriorating, and she was afraid she couldnt do anything about it.

sometimes alannah debated actually breaking off the relationship, but she loved him too much, and was too afraid to lose him. ugh love, it made her sick.

a few seconds later, her phone ran again, so she put it up to her ear. "hello?" she questioned. "hey" devonte's voice spoke from the other side. "whats up?" "just wondering if you're coming to the party tomorrow?" he questioned.

"yeah, of course. can i invite a few friends though?" alannah asked. "sure!" he smiled. "alright, i'll see you tomorrow" alannah yawned. "mhm, goodnight" devonte laughed. "night" alannah smiled.

she set down the phone and took off her bra before collapsing on her bed. bowie immediately jumped on the bed, and started licking alannah's face. "bowie!" she giggled, shielding her face from his licks.


"finally! schools out" raina sighed, walking beside alannah and allie out of the school. "wanna get food?" alannah questioned, nodding to her car. "sure!" both allie and raina agreed.

"so you guys coming to the party tonight?" alannah questioned, pulling out of the parking lot. "as a pregnant woman, im gonna say no" raina spoke. "oh true...then allie and i can hang with you tonight" alannah smiled.

"no, you guys go to the party" raina smiled back. "you sure?" allie confirmed from the backseat. "yes" raina laughed. "i'm gonna feel bad for going to a party without you" alannah frowned.

"dont feel bad! youre literally friends with the most popular guy in school, and youre gonna miss out on his party for me?" raina questioned, raising her eyebrows. "i feel bad for leaving you alone, thats all" alannah shrugged.

"you guys are going to the party, end of story" raina instructed. alannah sent a wide eyed look to allie in the back, who was also wide eyed. raina had never snapped on them like that before.

as they got seated at a booth and got their drinks, alannah sighed loudly, gaining the attention of the girls. "whats wrong?" allie questioned. "im thinking about breaking up with kirk..." the girl confessed. "what?" raina asked, shocked.

"i just feel like our connection is gone" alannah shrugged, sipping her coke. "i mean have you talked to him about it?" allie questioned. "no, not scared of what he's gonna say."

"i mean you guys arent gonna get anywhere if you dont talk" raina shrugged. "i know, he's always so busy though...i barely talk to him much." "really? cliff is never busy, unless they're recording" allie shrugged.

"same with james" raina agreed. alannah felt even more worried about kirk. was he doing something he shoudnt have been? and was he keeping it a secret from alannah?

"maybe you should talk to kirk" raina sadly smiled. "yeah, i will" alannah lied. the girls went on with their lunch, and eventually she dropped both raina and allie off, so she could head home and get ready for the party.

alannah wanted to dress up a little more than usual. maybe a cute dress, or a skirt? after going through her closet, she found a cute skirt, she never even knew existed.

it was a pencil skirt, all black. "this'll do" she nodded in content. now, all she had to do was find a shirt to match. what if she wore a bodysuit under the skirt? that could work.

she had fishnet stockings that she paired with the outfit, and black boots to match. "what about hair?" she hummed, staring at herself in the mirror. after contemplating, she decided curls would work.

she wanted to look and feel her best tonight. "mom!" alannah called out, exiting her room. "mhm?" molly responded, her voice coming from downstairs. alannah ran down the stairs, and found molly in the kitchen, fixing up a salad.

"can i borrow your curling iron?" alannah questioned, making molly's eyebrows raise. "getting all dressed up for this party, huh?" molly smirked. "mom!" alannah whined. "its in the bathroom, under the sink" she nodded.

alannah quickly thanked molly before grabbing the iron and heading back to her room. once her hair was curled, she did her makeup and checked the clock on her nightstand.

she was running a little late, so she picked up her pace and grabbed a jacket and her purse. "im leaving now!" alannah shouted, slipping on her shoes. "alright, have fun! call me if you need anything" molly replied.

"okay!" alannah yelled, as she exited the house.

the night we met || k.h (completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang