The Beginning

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(Btw, an apology to Therians out there: I was very mistaken in the usage of 'therianthropes' in this book. I wanna make it clear, it was 100% NOT my intention to take your communities name and pretend it was my own, I saw a description of the word 'therianthrope' and mistakenly thought it was a mythological trope/umbrella term for human-animal hybrids in media and only found out later that it was a term for a community. I have replaced the term with something (I believe) doesn't have any ties to any sort of animal-centric community. Sorry again for being a bit of a dumb dumb!)

Long ago, two races ruled the earth, Human and Aerillian.

There was much civil war between predator and prey Aerillian, however, when humans began to hunt Aerillians for sport, they joined together in hiding, creating a secret world deep in the woods, far away from the humans.

Time went on, and Aerillian became nothing more than a superstition to most humans...

However, in a small village nearest to the forest, they believe the Aerillian are still out there, and that they have a thirst for bloody revenge...

Sleeping peacefully was never an option for Texas when morning arrived. Especially when a small foxhound was always there to pounce him awake.

"Honey, it's Saturday, let me sleep," Texas grumbled, pushing the dog away. She whined, and then bit his hand softly. "Ugh... alright, alright, I'm gettin up...," Texas groaned. He got up with a yawn and stretch. "I was havin a good dream, y'know that Honey?" Texas said. Honey tilted her head. "I finally got to show that Dixie kid what for... thinkin' he's all that... I sure put him in his place!" Texas exclaimed.

Suddenly, there was a bunch of harmonious chirps, resembling laughter. Texas looks over at the three mockingbirds at his bedroom window.

"Alright, alright, I know it's just a dream, but boy did it feel good," Texas said, getting out a small bag of seeds and pouring some out in front of the birds. He watched in amusement as the trio fought over it. Texas put some bread on the floor for Honey, and began to get dressed. Honey and the mockingbirds focused on their breakfast to give him privacy. They weren't his pets, in fact, he wasn't sure who Honey belonged to, seeing she didn't have a tag of any sorts, but they always came back to him for food and affection.

Once Texas was ready for the day, he walked out of his humble abode and basked in the warm sun. His home wasn't exactly big, since it only had one main room and a bathroom. The farmer let Texas stay in the maids quarters for free, as long as Texas promised to help out with whatever he asked of him.

"G'mornin señor Spain!" Texas exclaimed happily, seeing the old farmer walk heavily out of his house.

"Tejas, ¿adónde te diriges?" Spain said hoarsely.

"I'm just gonna drop off some produce at the orphanage... you wanna join?" Texas asked. Spain stared at him for a moment.

"No...," Spain said. Texas nodded.

"I'll pick up your medicine on the way back if you need," Texas said. Spain just nodded silently. Texas nodded as well, and started walking towards the village with a basket of fresh produce in his arms. He got to the village orphanage, and was immediately surrounded by a bunch of excited children.

"Hello!!! Do you have apples? Because if you don't I want you to leave," one kid exclaimed. Texas laughed.

"I brought apples, and plenty of other fruit. Take what you need, leave the basket," Texas said, handing the basket over to the kids. They happily ran off with it to eat/play with their yummy foods, and the orphanage caretaker walked up to Texas.

"How are you, son?" Britain asked.

"I'm ok, just takin' life one day at a time," Texas said. Britain smiled, but it faded with a sigh.

"How's Spain? He treating you well?" Britain asked.

"Oh yeah, no need to worry. I'm just his employee, so he doesn't bug me too much, just leaves me a list of what to do that day," Texas said. Britain nodded.

"Is he feeling ok?" Britain asked.

"Well, he's still mobile... we don't really talk, but he seems to be gettin' by alright," Texas said. Britain nodded. "Everything ok sir?" Texas asked.

"Yes, it's just.... um.... have you made many new friends? Maybe even... met a girl?" Britain asked. Texas chuckled.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I have Honeybunch, and the songbirds around the farm... all I need really," Texas said, patting Honey on the head. Britain shook his head.

"Texas, you need some real friends too... people you can talk with, not at. Even if you simply talk to Spain about the weather, I'll be happy. You're a good kid, I'm sure you'll find some good friends," Britain said. Texas simply smiled politely and shook his head.

Texas walked through town, looking through the market to get something for himself. Suddenly, he saw Confederate, and immediately his eyes rolled back in annoyance.

"You really think that's an Aerillian?" One kid asked, observing the coyote head that Confederate was showing off.

"Of course he is! I know he is! He was a smart one, but no match for me," Confederate said arrogantly. Texas groaned. He and Confederate used to be good friends back at the orphanage, but grew apart after they got let out for being too old. Confederate became obsessed with game hunting, and was determined to become the greatest Aerillian hunter in the whole village, beating out Britain's father.

"Please, I'd be surprised if you didn't just find a dead coyote and cut its head off to show off," Texas said. Confederate smiled.

"Y'know Tex... Aerillians are more common than you may think! For all we know, one of em could even be that pet of yours...," Confederate said, pointing a rifle at Honey. Texas glared at him, and stood in front of his beloved dog.

"Don't even think about it," Texas spat. Confederate shrugged.

"Whatever... well, don't get mad at me for trying to protect my village... when the Aerillians attack, I'll be the hero this town needs... you'll just be a crying idiot in the corner," Confederate said. Texas wanted to punch him, but sighed and walked away, trying to ignore the people laughing at him. "Loser, can't even stand up for himself,"

Texas went to pick up some medicine from the witch doctor near the woods.

What? This is a fantasy world. Of course there's witches.

"G'mornin miss," Texas said, walking into her small home, far from the village, sitting comfortably at the edge of the forest.

"Good morning dear, how's Spain?" France asked.

"Alright, I'm just here to pick up some more medicine for him," Texas said. France nodded, and handed him a bag full of specialized potions and other weird healey things.

"Did you speak to Britain today?" France asked. Texas smiled and nodded, before handing France a handkerchief he pickpocketed from him.

"Aw! Texas, you are the best!" France exclaimed, taking the handkerchief.

"What are ya gonna do with it?" Texas asked, watching France place it next to the other small items he'd gotten from Britain.

"Love potion," France said. Texas smiled and shook his head.

"Why don't you just go talk to him?" Texas asked.

"Last time I went into the village everyone wanted to burn me at the stake... I don't think anyone would be attracted to me without a love potion," France said. Texas sighed.

"Well... I hope it works out?" Texas said. France nodded.

"Well, it's nearly lunch time, you should get Spain his medicine," France said. Texas nodded, and went back home.

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