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        Aang, ever eager to learn firebending, hardly allows Zuko to settle in before demanding lessons. Lessons that he insists Rezalia attend because she "can absorb the fire if he messes up too badly". Rezalia thinks that this is a load of shit. She attends the lessons again.

To his credit, Zuko did appear to be devoted to his task, even if his gaze did find Rezalia far more often than needed. "I know you're nervous, but remember, firebending in it of itself is not something to fear," Zuko says sternly and Rezalia can't help but think that mentorship suited him in a way.

"Okay. Not something to fear," Aang parrots. Rezalia leans against the wall and watches them, fingers fiddling with the bracelets that had remained around her wrist since they'd been gifted to her.

Zuko seemed to really be going for the teaching style of his private instructor, a bitchy old man who liked to think he was the scariest thing on the planet. "But if you don't respect it, it'll chew you up and spit you out like an angry komodo rhino!" Aang whimpered a bit and Rezalia graciously pretended not to hear it. "Now show me what you've got. Any amount of fire you can make."

Aang performs one of the forst firebending moves taught to young benders and, technically, his form was perfect but when he extends his palm all the comes out is a puff of smoke. He deflates before turning to Zuko hopefully. "Maybe I need a little more instruction. Perhaps a demonstration?"

Zuko nods. "Good idea. You might wanna take a couple steps back." Zuko, too, goes for a simple move, likely for Aang's sake. However, all that's produced is a small flame. Rezalia sits up, watching as the golden eyed boy gapes at him own hand even as Aang claps. "What was that? That was the worst firebending I've ever seen!"

Rezalia disagreed. She said nothing.

"I thought it was ... nice," Aang offers. Zuko doesn't answer, opting to try again. Multiple times. It all yields the same result.

Zuko barely represses a scream of frustration. "Why is this happening?"

"Maybe it's the alititude." It wasn't.

"Yeah, could be." Zuko knew it wasn't.

They move to a place closer to the fountain and Aang perches himself on a crumbling pillar while Zuko tries again. Rezalia leans against one of the intact pillars, looking out at the fog that covered what lay below. Again and again, Rezalia hears Zuko try and fail to produce a decent amount of fire. "That one kind of felt hot," Aang pipes up.

"Don't patronize me! You know what it's supposed to look like!" Zuko snaps, pissed.

"Sorry, Sifu Hotman," Aang replies, not sounding all that sorry.

Zuko growls a bit. "And stop calling me that!"

"Lia told me that was the correct term," Aang says confused. Rezalia snickers as she watches Sokka approach.

He speaks before Zuko could say anything to Rezalia. "Hey, jerks! Mind if I watch you two jerks do your jerkbending?" he asks with a bright grin and Rezalia wonders if he was here to check on her and Aang or to watch Zuko exercise.

"Get out!" Zuko shrieks childishly. Sokka concedes and leaves, patting himself on the back as he goes.

For the remainder of the day, Zuko tries and fails to produce anything more than a spark. Aang has Rezalia try and pouts when she easily ignites a fire in her palm, proving that it was definately a Zuko specific problem. The entire time, Rezalia sees Zuko pulling away from her. She can't tell if she's grateful or if she hates it. Probably both.

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