The Aftermath

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Also The picture above is the roach who beat you up in the last chapter and lets just say this will be a major TW for the following: Rape, Thoughts of suicide, Alcohol abuse, child abuse

Also The picture above is the roach who beat you up in the last chapter and lets just say this will be a major TW for the following: Rape, Thoughts of suicide, Alcohol abuse, child abuse

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Osamu's POV:

It was then that stupid middle school first year. The one who beat the living crap out of my young friend. She just stood there as if there wasn't a single thing that was done to make everyone so mad at her. "AYOOO I think not get outta the gym immediately!" I had yelled. Everyone sat there shocked at my sudden outburst at the young girl. If they knew what a cruel disgusting person she was behind that little mask and act she had on for everyone they too would be disgusted. "W-Why I didn't do anything to you!" she had shot back within 5 seconds after I demanded her to leave. "You might not have done any thing to me but you have Y/N!" She stood there shell-shocked as if I had just said something that nobody should have known. Suddenly she had left without a word. Everyone seemed kinda lost so I took it upon myself to explain.

Aku's (the girl bullying you) POV:

That stupid little brat sold me out to the Miya Twin!!!! I cannot believe this! know what I think it's time for her to learn just who she is dealing with. I found a group of first year high school students and had gave them 100,000 yen (865 in US dollars) to rape her and beat her up as bad as they could. The 4 boys had hesitated at first but then accepted my offer. I walked away proud of the way I was about to teach this girl to respect me and stay away from the Miya Twins. I started to walk home and made it home safely exited for the next day.


I had realized the time and started heading home scared of what my father and mother had to bring me. I reached the doorstep of my worn down home and I entered. Only to have growing anxiety of what was about to go down. Y/N POV:   As I had walked into my home with straight up anxiety the scent of alcohol had filled my nose. Oh no. My dad had walked in to the room I was standing in. "You're late." those two words alone sent shivers down my spine. I already had fresh tears falling from my eyes. he then walked up to me beer bottle in hand as I stood there terrified. I was hit with the beer bottle repeatedly. One hit to the middle of my stomach and the 5th glass that once contained alcohol broke. I was coughing up blood and blood was every where on me. he went to pull down his pants but the the doorbell rang. I was told to to go get it and I did and I seen the two people that I never imagined to be at my doorstep at my doorstep. It was Atsumu and Osamu.

Miya Twins POV:

we went with Suna to drop off Y/N's bag because she had forgot it and it had her address on it. but when we reached her home and she had answered the doorbell we had seen something that seemed straight out of a nightmare. she stood there coated in what we had assumed was her own blood and she had smelt of liquor and that's when we concluded she was living in an abusive home.

Suna's POV:

all we wanted to do was drop off her forgotten bag. She was abused? She is so sweet why did she deserve this? I took three steps and turned away from her and called the police. and not even 5 minutes later her parents were arrested and there was an ambulance on its way. I was sickened at the thought that some one would do this.


I had passed out a few minutes after the police showed up. I had woke up in the hospital. It hurt so bad that I had to imagine slitting my wrists and dying to ease some of the pain. I might try that later. then you looked around seeing the Miya Twins and two others. I think they're names were Kita and Suna. Everyone had their eyes glued to me. "I'm sorry for wasting your time" I had said. Everyone looked at me with the most shocked expression. Then a foster care taker had came in and said that I had to stay here for a day and then I was gonna be placed in the adoption center. The group of people had left and I had finally had time to relax.....Or so I thought the next thing I know I was in a room with 4 boys and they weren't the ones that saved me they were bad. They had forced themselves on me and I was crying and pleading them to stop what they were doing but they ignored me. I was being raped in a hospital. after a while the boys left and I called for help and explained what happened and they had called the police to have it investigated. I had told them that I had an IUD (please don't kill me 😥😥) placement and they had said that it was 5:23 in the morning. I decided to just stay up and watch the anime Devil's Line on my computer (very good anime tbh)The foster care person had taken me to the Miyagi Prefecture. She had showed me my room and I chilled. Then I got some news.

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