Episode 2: Goodbye Home & Hello to Adventure

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The picture above is Orochimaru holding a Pokeball and was made by. That_ShinoB.

Orochimaru arrived back home and opened the door to the house to show his mom his new Pokemon and to get his bag from his mother.

"Mom, I'm back," He called out, walking inside of the house.

"Living room, my Oro," His mother called out.

"Alright," Orochimaru said as he headed towards the living room.


When he arrived in the living room, he saw his mother put some cheese chips and regular chips in a black backpack with the three starter Pokemon on it.

"My favorite kind of chips, I see," Orochimaru said, walking over towards his mother.

"Yeah, you are going to eat hungry on a journey, so pack you snacks and a book with easy-to-make recipes while on your journey," His mother replied."Also, what did you end up picking as your starter Pokemon?" She asked, looking over at Orochimaru.

"The best starter out of the three, of course," He said, taking out a Pokeball and sending out his new Pokemon, Slitheling.

"Should have seen that coming. You always had a love for snakes, just like the rest of the family does; however, we are the only two living in this town. The other moved to a bigger town or different region," His mom said, looking at the Slitheling in Orochimaru's hand.

"Well, of course, snakes are amazing. The nickname is Tatsuya," Orochimaru said.

"That a good nickname. I bet Slitheling enjoys it. Your bag is all packed and ready to go," She said, handing him his bag.

"Yeah, your right. Thanks for packing my bag, mom," He said, taking the bag and putting it on his back.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. "That must be Tsunade; her mother didn't want her traveling alone, so she asked to come with me, or they were going to make her stay home, I guess, or travel with that loser Jiraiya," He said, heading towards the door."Anyway, I will call you when I get to the next town."

"Alright, son, you better call and make sure to protect her and don't act like Jiraiya, not your friend," His mom said.

"Whatever you say, mom," He said, reaching the door and opening it, and seeing Tsunade wearing a green and yellow flower shirt, white skirt, and blue sandals. As well as a greenside bag.

"Hello, Tsunade," His mother said, walking over towards the door. "Good to see what was your goal again as a Pokemon trainer?" She asked, smiling.

"Good to you to miss Hebi," Tsunade said, smiling at Orochimaru's mom."I plan on entering Pokemon contest and becoming a top coordinator instead of a pokemon doctor like my mother," She said.

"That's a beautiful choice. You're going to do well in your contest," Hakuja said.

"Thanks, guess I'll find out soon. The first contest in Gakkō town that what grandfather told me," Tsunade replied. "Also the town famous for it Pokemon trainer academy for kids who want to become Pokemon trainers."

"Alright, we stop there, and then we continue to the next town, which contains the first gym where I can get my badge," Orochimaru said, taking out his mini Pokétablet and looking at the map.

"Take care, you two. It's about time I head to work at the breeding center. The other workers can't watch all of them all day," She said, grabbing her jacket as Orochimaru and Tsunade began to walk out of the house.

"Yeah, I'll call you when Tsunade and I get to the next town, mom," He said, putting away his Pokétablet.

"Good Tsunade, keep an eye on him for me," Hakuja said.

"Don't worry; I will, Miss. Hebi," Tsunade said, waving bye as she and Orochimaru began to walk away.

"I can take care of myself, mother," He said with a sigh.

"Yes, I know, but it's a mother's job to worry about their child."

"You heard her. Now stop whining, and let's get going. We have Pokemon to catch and dreams to achieve," Tsunade grabbing Orochimaru's hand.

"Right, let's get going to Route 1 and find some Pokemon to add to our team before your first contest and my first gym battle," Orochimaru said, and he and Tsunade headed out of the town and began to make their journey to Route 1 wondering what kind of pokemon were instore for them.

To be Continued...

Well, here you go, the third chapter of my story called The Snake Pokemon Trainer. In this chapter, Orochimaru and Tsunade leave their hometown and set off for their journey through Route 1. We also learn Tsunade's goal is to enter Pokemon contest. I think I have an idea for the evil team in Konoha but haven't figured out when they will make their first appearance yet.

Thanks for reading, and let me know in the comments what you think of the story so far.

Word Count: 853

Word meanings:

Tatsuya: intelligence and longevity of the dragon.

Gakkō: Academy(The first town means academy famous for their Pokemon trainer academy.)

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