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(3rd Pov.)

After Kanto Region Championship tournament things seem to be normal as always until one day Kamui said he want to meet Ultra-rare.

Aiko: You want to meet Ultra-rare?

Kamui: Yes! I heard that Ultra-rare beat you in a Vanguard fight, Onee-san! If I were to fight them, it'll strengthen my skills for the nationals!

Aiko: (Suiko-san also said to drop by sometime too.) Sure, let's go.

Kamui: All right! With that decided, gather up, Team Q5!

(Y/n): Sure I'm down with that what about you Toshiko? Misaki?

Toshiko: Hump I have no interest in a card shop like that. * Walk away *

Mina: Hey, Toshiko! *Follow Toshiko*

Aiko: Toshiko-san?

Mina: See you guys!

Kamui: What's her problem?! Let's forget about her!

(Y/n): That what I thought anyway. *Turn to Misaki* What about you Misaki-chan?

Misaki: I'm not going. *Turn away*

Kamui: *Dash to Misaki* Don't you have any aspirin or aspersions?!

Aiko: *Thinking* Asp... Asp...? Maybe "Aspirations"?

Kamui: *Embarrassed* Y-Yeah! That's it! Aspirations!

Misaki: I forgot them in my room.

(Y/n): I shouldn't ask them really. *Sweat drop*

Shin-san: Don't say that. How about going with them?

Misaki: Who's going to help you with the store?

Shin-san: Consider it a part of the job. Please check out the rival shop. See you later!

((Y/n) Pov.)

After that we then walk out of the Card Capital and going to Psy Card shop.

Kamui: Whoo! Ultra-rare! I can't wait, Onee-san!

Aiko: Yep.

And then we walked past Morikawa and I'll pretend I didn't see him.

Morikawa: I heard.

(Y/n): (Damnit!)

Morikawa: You're going to meet my Kourin?

We then turn around to face him.

Morikawa: Fine! As a representative member of Ultra-rare Fan Club... I'll bring you guys there!

Kamui: This guy always shows up when he isn't needed and tries to tag along...

Aiko: Ahahaha...

Time Skip.

(3rd Pov.)

Morikawa: Huh? Where was it again?

Kamui: Some guide you are...

Morikawa: Oh, shut up! I'll find it, I'll find it! As long as I have my love for Kourin-chan, I'll always be able to find her! Kourin-chan, wait for me!
*Run away to find Kourin*

Misaki: He's a serious case, in more ways than one.

(Y/n): Yeah pretty much.

Kamui: Onee-san, don't you remember where it is?

Aiko: I'm trying to recall, but...

(Y/n): Don't worry it'll come out right about now. *Feel the other Psyqualia*

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