Ride 5

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( (Y/n) Pov. )

After the fight with Gouki we have return to the Crad Capital and then the next day we teach Emi how to play  Vanguard and now we are going to the tournament.

(Y/n): Here it is the day of the tournament I can't wait.

???: How's this?

???: Meow!!!

(Y/n): Huh? (Look at the cause of the sounds) 'Isn't that Shin-san'.

'     ' = Thinking

(Y/n): Shin-san! (Run to Shin-san) you're closing the shop because you'll take us to the tournament right? hey tencho

(店長代理) Tencho dairi mean assisticat but I'll just use tencho.

Tencho: Meow!

Shinemon: Aaa (Y/n)-kun yes that is correct but is it still crooked?! (Move the board) don't have to be so fussy... they, how's that?

Tencho: Meowww!

Inside the shop

( 3rd Pov. )

Aiko: Yes!!! I got a Royal Paladin!

Kamui: What are you doing, Ane-san?

(姉さん) Ane-san mean big sister.

Aiko: I opened a new booster pack look!

Kamui: Wha...?!  You're just doing that  now?!

Aiko: Uh... Yeah.

Kamui: No matter how new it is, if you just randomly put a card in your deck, it won't make you any stronger! You gotta test-play it first, and make sure that your deck balances out.

Aiko: Yeah, I understand that, but...

Kamui: No, you don't get it at all! Today is the regional tournament!

Aiko: No, I know that too, but... 'Today's fight is a three-person team competition Toshiko, Kamui-kun, Misaki-san and (Y/n)-kun I'm just an alternate'.

Shinemon and (Y/n) then walk in the shop.

Shinemon: Well, we'd better get going.

(Y/n): Sup Aiko, Kamui and Toshiko!

Kamui: Ah!!! Hello (Y/n) -san.

Toshiko: Hey (Y/n).

Aiko: Hey (Y/n)-kun! huh? (Look around the shop) Where's Misaki-san?

(Y/n): Yeah Where is Misaki-chan?

Shinemon: Oh, she'll  meet up with us later.

Aiko/(Y/n): Oh... / Ok.

Then all of them walked of the shop and get into the car then Shinemon start the car ready to go.

Shinemon: And here we go.

Kamui: Yeahhh!!! Man, you're slow!

Road to vanguard (Slow Update)Where stories live. Discover now