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In this chapter you are 10 Gus is 11.

You and Gus were reading the books Pubba made you,when you both heard a twig break.
"What was that?" You ask scared.
"Come on,let's see."
The both walk towards the sound to see a deer sniffing around.
"Mama..." Gus says.
The deer runs though a hole,leading to the outside.
"Pubba said not to Gus."
"But mama.."
Gus walked out through the hole,you followed afterwards.
You heard growling.
"If we hear a growl we will duck.." You both repeated.
The two ran back,in the woods,but they bumped into someone.
"...What did I tell you?!" Pubba said lifting you two up by the waist running away from the fence,not long after he set you both down.
"What did I tell you two?"
"I thought I saw her!"
"I thought I saw mom!" Said Gus,tears pricking his eyes.
"She's dead Gus!"
"Y-you don't tell us anything,you think we're too little!" Y/N yelled.
"You are too little.." Pubba said looking at you and Gus in disappointment.
"And you both just proved it." He said,this time you both ran home,slamming the door behind you.
You were on Gus's lap as he hugged you, crying.

Pubba was walking towards the house,before he could open the door,a distant voice was heard.
"Sarah!" A man yelled.
Pubba grabbed a broom stick, I mean that's what it looked like from close up,but from afar it looked like he was holding a gun,and he headed towards the sound.
You both got up and followed him.
"Hey! Don't come any closer!" Pubba yelled,as he held the broom making it look like a gun.
" 'Afternoon." The man said,putting both of his hands in the air.
"You mind lowering the gun?" The man asked again.
"Feel better if I didn't." Pubba says looking at the man.
"..I'm just looking for someone." He said,approaching the fence.
"Well they're not here. You better look someplace else." Pubba said,stepping closer as well.
"How long you been here?" He asked,now looking serious.
"I realise how this looks,but I give you my word,I had no idea your camp was here."
"Who said I had a camp?"
You and Gus got closer,remaining silent,and hidden.
The man sighed before speaking again.
"My sister went off in these mountains,a week and a half ago. It's not a place for an unarmed woman."
"Don't move.." Pubba whispered to you.
"I want to know if she made it through." The man said now glaring at Pubba.
"She didn't come through here. You should get back on the road before it gets dark." Pubba yelled.
"The road's the last place you want to be, friend." The man said,now lowering his hands.
"You haven't gotten out much lately, huh?" The man said.
Pubba was now panting like a man who ran a marathon.
The man took off his hood,Pubba glanced at you and Gus.
"What's it like out there?" Pubba asked.
"It sucks. No rules no laws. Once the internet went down, it was over. Just tribes of people, scared. Fighting over whatever's left."
"What about the sick?" Pubba asked.
"It slowed down. But it's still out there. People think the hybrids caused it."
"Yeah? Well maybe it caused them!" Pubba said.
"Yeah, mayBE." The man said,empathising on the 'be'.
"Any case, ain't many of us left. So if you're out here alone, isolated and whatnot..you probably aren't in a company,are you?"
"In a company?" Pubba said,his voice shivering,.
The man shook his head. "Alone." He said.
Pubba took a step forward.
"I've lived here, alone, by myself for...11 years and...and 17 weeks, and..and 3 days!" Pubba yelled,and walked shakingly forward,clenching onto the broom.
Just then Gus moved,and made some bush branches crunch.
Pubba looked at him for a second,but when he looked back up,the man was gone,and hot pink ribbons were nicely tied on the fence,you both got up,and looked around for the man.
"Hey!HEY! WHERE DID YOU GO?!" Pubba asked shivering in fear.
"He marked us.." You said wagging your tail.
Pubba took your hands and ran back to the house,he pulled a black box and took a little glass,injecting the contents in a syringe,tying it to the broom.



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