Make it shine

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A/N. And here we are, the final chapter. It has been a true joy to write this fic. I truly hope you've all enjoyed this story and hope you have an amazing day. Thank you all for reading.

It was the last day of the school year. Summer was so close Tori could practically taste it. She was super excited for the summer as it meant hanging with her friends in the summer heat, practising and writing songs while relaxing in the sun.

But another part of her was sad. This was the end of an era. This school had changed everything, before Hollywood arts, Tori didn't have many friends, she didn't really care about classes, she was perfectly content to live a boring, normal life. But now? Well, after the showcase the entire group of friends had been getting offers coming out their ears. Cat and Jade were going on the next run of Wicked, Andre had been asked to co produce songs for a famous musician, Beck was going to make an appearance on Chicago blue, which would hopefully mean more roles in the future, Robbie was writing songs with Andre. And Tori... Well she didn't know what to choose.

She was pretty certain she wanted to pursue being a singer not an actor, but there were so many choices to go from there. She'd never pictured herself in musical theatre which was how Jade and Cat were getting their start, she had thought about working with Andre. The two had been writing and performing together since she started at Hollywood arts so they knew they worked well together but she also thought it could be nice to get out their and make a name for herself all on her own.

"UGH why is this so hard?!" Tori said in frustration.

"What's up with you Tori?" Andre asked as he approached the girl who was standing by her locker.

"I've got my whole life ahead of me, I've got offers coming at me from all angles and I have no clue what I want to do!" Tori explained to her friend.

"And to think. You didn't think this school was for you." Andre joked. Tori rolled her eyes with smile. "Do you remember your first day here?" He asked.

"Of course I do. It was weird as hell." Tori responded and Andre gave a chuckle. "I'm not joking!" Tori said as she lightly smacked his arm. "Meeting Cat, then Robbie after barley avoiding the dancing students was very jarring for regular high schooler Tori!"

"Yeah but in the end you brought your own little kind of weird." Andre joked.

"Ha ha." Tori said sarcastically. "Now if we wanna make it too our last lesson ever with Sikowitz we gotta hurry up."

"No more Sikowitz." Andre said with disbelief. "I can hardly picture it."

The pair made their way to class and sat down with their friends as they waited for Sikowitz to arrive.

"Even on the last day he's late." Beck said.

"Can you really say you're surprised?" Jade joked which made Cat giggle as she was, of course, sitting on Jade's lap, still fascinated by her engagement ring.

Sikowitz dramatically opened the door and then the surprise guest of V stepped through the door with him and started throwing fliers in the air while making an announcement. "Mark it in your calendars, cancel your other plans because July 18th is the union of the two greatest teachers to ever live Erwin Sikowitz and Lane Napper!"

The students picked up the fliers and Tori caught glimpse of Cat trying to catch one before it landed on her face instead which caused Jade to giggle. "You guys finally set a date then." Robbie said as the class quietened down.

"That we did my good boy!" Sikowitz responded gleefully. "Thank you for you help V." The teacher added as the agent gave a large bow before departing.

"It's been an honour."

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