Beach party

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Tori was getting ready for a beach party that her and her friends had been invited to. Trina walked up to her.
"Now as your older sister It's my duty to make sure you stay responsible at this party." Trina said with a teasing smile.

"Oh shush." Tori joked back. "You haven't had a responsible day in your life."

"Yeah no need to tell me." Trina said solemnly as she rubbed her stomach.

Regret twinged within Tori's gut as she looked at her sister.
"No I didn't mean!"

"It's okay sis I know you didn't." Trina said reassuringly.
"Just make sure you don't get too drunk, I'm gonna need your support when I tell mom and dad tomorrow."

Trina bad finally decided she had to tell her parents about her pregnancy. She'd discussed it with her sister thoroughly and had come to the hard decision that she was going to get rid of the unborn child. It wasn't an easy choice and Trina knew she was gonna need her entire family's support and had braved herself to face the consequences, which is why she wanted Tori there, to make sure she didn't get cold feet.
"Don't worry sis I'll be there." Tori said as she gave her sister as she got a text.
"Ooh Beck's outside with his RV, don't wanna keep him and Andre waiting. We still have to pick up Robbie."
Tori jogged over to the door.

"Don't do anything I would do!" Trina smiled as Tori gave her a thumbs up as she left the house and made her way to Beck's rv.

Time skip

The beach was already packed with people as music blasted from large speakers as some guy Tori didn't know acted as DJ. Considering the whole party was Andre's idea it was ironic he was one of the last people to show up.
"Hey look who's here!" The familiar voice of V yelled with excitement as B and Ryder walked by his side.

"Must you announce yourself so loudly everytime?" B asked her brother.

"Well I don't have to but it is definitely more fun!" V said with a smile.

"Hey guys how are you?" Tori asked with a friendly tone.

"Doing pretty good thanks." Ryder responded.

"Are Jade and Cat here yet?" Robbie asked.

"Yes they're currently attempting to swallow each other." B responded as she gestured to the girls.

The group looked over to see the couple making out off to the side.
"Gotta pass the time somehow I suppose." Ryder quipped, to which the group chuckled lightly.

"Ima get a drink." Andre said.
"B you coming?"

His girlfriend nodded as the two wondered off. Then a guy that Tori recognised from around school ran up to the group.
"Yo V." He said as the boy in question smiled cheerily.
"Can you DJ?"

"I've done it a couple of times yeah!" V answered with a smile.

"Cool can you take over for a bit while Simon has a break?" The guy asked.

"Uhhhhhh." V said as he gave his boyfriend a questioning look.

"Go ahead I'll be fine without you for a little while." Ryder smiled as V clapped excitedly as he gave Ryder a quick kiss before running off.

"Ooh Robbie take me over there!" Rex said as he gestured to a group of girls dancing.

"Really Rex?" Robbie complained.
"We don't even know them!"

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