If I die you die too.

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A/n: So, this one is gonna be kinda short, don't hate me. I have some ideas, but I'm not sure what I want to do yet. So here ya go.

Arti p.o.v

Darkness. That's it. Voices were faint, but my mind was peaceful. I like this. "Arti?" A voice called. "Hello?" The voice called again. I began to run, but it was pitch black. I heard sobbing and darkness turned into a white light in my face. Another fucking hospital. Ugh.

I sat up, now face to face with Noah. Ugh. His big blue eyes bugging out and teary. "Why?" He mumbled. "You could have have died." No shit. You don't say, Captain Obvious.

"Stay away from me. You fucked my life up once, and I trusted you, now you do it again?!" I hate you." I growled. Loren set her hands on my shoulder "Honey, you're alright." Loren sweetly said. "NO! Loren, your son bullied me. He made me feel like shit!" I yelled. Lorens eyes widened, and tears glossed over her light eyes. "N-Noah. Wh-why?" She stuttered.

How the hell did she not know? This is so irritating.

Lorens eyes spilled put tears, and Noah's face went rosie; Ugh. 

"We have to go." Loren said. I nodded and glared at her son, whom had killed my soul. The door clicked shut and then I heard mumbles "I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" obviously Noah yelled. I rolled my eyes and played back until music started playing;

"She said 'paint a picture on me!'"

I quickly answered; "He-hello?" The voice quickly gasped "you okay?" He asked. I just sniffled.

The phone hung up.


I was just lying there. Keeping to myself.

I looked over to see Vic walking in. "V-" before I could say anything else, he ran over to my side, and forcefully pressed his lips to mine. Woah.

"A-Arti...?" Another voice asked. I cupped Vic's face and pulled him in. "what the..... Art? V-Vic?" I released Vic, to find a saddened Noah. Fuck my life.

A/n: Sorry. Thats all for now :) I'm gonna add more, but suspence is needed. Lol. Love you guys. Thanks for reading. *eats pizza with Tony Perry* (I wish)

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