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No ones p.o.v

As Arti took er last breathe, Sslowly faded away into her own blackness. She was gone. Gone all because her friends judged her for who she was with. Noah went home after the fight in the hospital, and slide a small blade across his wrist for the first time. He knew he hurt Arti again.

Artis lifeless body layed in a pool of er blood, and she was dead. Just like that.

A while later, Vic let himself into Artis home and trudged himself to her room. As he opened the door to an empty room, he noticed a thick crimson liquid slowly flowing from the small bathroom Arti had.

Vic realized what happened; Suicide. "ARTI!" He screamed when he found her body. He knelt down and held her head in his hands. Her cheeks stained with tears. "Please come back. Please." Then an idea sparked. He grabbed a towle for the cupboard, and wrapped her arm, then pressed his lips to hers and began to perform CPR. "Come back to me." He begged. Tears crashed around Artis body, and he pumped his hands on her chest.

About ten minutes later the bleeding stopped, but Vic didn't. "COME BACK!" He screamed.

"I don't care if you're sick, I don't care if you're contagious, I would kiss you even if you were dead." And he pressed his lips to hers for a good five seconds. "Will someone make me go blind for the rest of my life, 'cause I'd do anything to hold your hand."

And in that moment he thought she was gone forever "But I love you Arti."

Vic slammed his head into the wall, until a gasp escaped the room and blood shot eyes that belonged to Arti shot open.

A/n: THE END! hate me? Mkay . I will be writing a sequel, and it will be called "Stain glass eyes" enjoy

Why did it have to be you?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora