A new world (Part 2)

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He dream of a place so familiar, in a snowy day. Place where they used to play which is under the big old tree that hold all their precious memory. Seeing children running around like they used to do.
He try and get closer to them seeing them play make his hearts soften. They wear costume just like them before made from boxes they found. They made the costume themselves. They colour, put glue on it, some glitters, and even an anthenna. He is out of word of how seeing those kids make him feel like travelling through time.

When he is watching those kids play he feel something pulling him like a magnet he follows a cat to the tree and some shining door appear and as soon he tries to open it a boy holds his hands while saying he cant go in there because he have to do something. Soobin thought he might ask him to play with them but as soon as the boy's eyes turn blue and green, he knows there is something wrong. He know that the answer must be behind this door. The cat tries to lure him inside but the pull harder not wanting Soobin to leave him. Looking furious the cat's eyes also turn blue and green. Then, eveything turns dark.
He open his eyes and see his friends around him. Beomgyu is the only one who isnt sleeping. Seoul's air are getting colder and colder day by day because it is almost winter. Beomgyu whisper but to loud only for ear Soobin's to hear. He told him it is 553, the golden time. Soobin look at the sunset and it is so beautiful. Eveything when quiet again.

Beomgyu have something in his chest he want to confess a feeling of incomplete and empty. He is too blind by the world to even see this emptiness before but the sunset remind him of someone familiar yet unknown. He is drove away by the beautiful sunset and blue sky upon him, under this half orange tree. Tear rolled down his cheeks without him realizing. His eyes see the beautiful creation of the world but Taehyun's voice wake him up. Looking sleepy he tries to look at Beomgyu and idenetifies his location.

Soobin is still blown away by the beautiful sunset but in a beautiful sunset there must be hidden something. A cat slowly walk on top of a building looking at the clouds. Then, the cat look at Soobin, a mysterious way of looking, like there is some evil spirit stuck in him. Suddenly with a blink of eye, the cat's eye turn to blue and green. He know that colour symbolize something and he must find it. Even if it takes him years, he dont want to lives in wonder.

Hueningkai opens his eyes. A ray of light shock his eyes that still arent familiar with that condition. He see Soobin infront of him looking peacefully at the sunset of 553. Smiling he walk toward Soobin to join him. Nothing in this world amazed him more that the sky of 553.

Hueningkai walk home alone because he decide to stop and buy some ramyeon at the convinient store. He arrive at home and notice that his parents arent home yet the same with his sisters. He walk in without hasitation and decide to rest in his livingroom while waiting for his ramyeon to cook. He notice that his back really hurt these days. It feels light like a weight of a pair big wing. That doesnt bother him that much as he is to Soobin. He know that Soobin is hiding something from all of them since Soobin arent talking as much as he used to.

 He know that Soobin is hiding something from all of them since Soobin arent talking as much as he used to

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A/N: So part two heh. I dont know how I feel yet. Yes I am indeed lazy to write but you know I need to put this somewhere. Hope whoever reading this enjoy

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