No more love

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Junghwan's POV...
I walked to Haruto's room the next morning. He noticed me at the door, asking me if everything was alright. "Well, it's about Junkyu." Haruto sighed at what I said. "It's just whenever I talked to you yesterday he always gave me that evil look."

"That's Junkyu. He doesn't like when other people are close to me.. hell he even got angry when I told him I knew you longer then him." I laughed at Haruto's words, my laugh made him chuckle. He ruffled my hair causing me to blush.

A buzz came from Haruto's phone "It's like he can sense my happiness.. yes Junkyu?" Haruto walked out the room talking to his boyfriend. Junkyu must be a lucky guy I thought to myself.

For the next couple of days Junkyu has been just glaring at me whenever I was near Haruto. It made me uncomfortable something's but I just brushed it off.

No one's POV...
Junkyu didn't like how Haruto and Junghwan were being close to each other. He felt like they were flirting with each other sometimes. Junkyu got his coat ready to head outside in the cold.

Haruto was fixing his boots before going up to the hill to sled down. He looked over to Junghwan who was waving at him. Haruto smiled waving back to him. He looked to the stairs and saw Junkyu waving as well. Haruto waved awkwardly at him looking away when Junkyu blew a kiss to him.

Junkyu looked over to where Junghwan was sitting. He walked over taking a seat next to him. "Junghwan, dongsaeng." Junkyu said taking his gloves off. Junghwan turned around facing Junkyu as he sat down. "I love the all white outfit." Junkyu complementing his outfit.

"Oh I made some mochi's for you and Haruto." Junkyu looked down at the little box in-front of Junghwan. "It's the only thing I know how to make." Junghwan joked.

"Well I'm on a diet but I'm sure Haruto will like your mochi." Said Junkyu scooting closer to him. Junghwan removed his glasses to see Junkyu better. Jaehyuk came by dropping off coffee for the two. Junkyu thanked him as he walked off.

Junghwan turned around to see Haruto lacing his boots. Haruto was a bit surprised at the two sitting next to each other, talking. Junkyu was staring down at his drink then said "You ever steal anything, Junghwan?"

Junghwan looked at him confused. "What?" He asked. "Forgive me, I am trying to teach my younger sister the importance of not touching other peoples belongings." Junghwan looked away after Junkyu finished his sentences. He thought Junkyu was finished but he was wrong.

"I don't consider myself a particularly ethical person, but I am fair. What I cannot wrap my head around is people who steal just for ego. Or the pleasure of it. For personal satisfaction." Junghwan felt uncomfortable, he didn't want to be there anymore. He began to gather his belongings getting ready to head back inside.

Later that night...
Junkyu finished up his skincare routine and walked into the living room where Haruto was. "Look Ruto my skin looks better don't you think?" Haruto just sat there ignoring his boyfriend. Junkyu rolled his eyes repeating what he said "What do you think, ruto?"

Haruto finally looked up answering him "Oh yeah, it looks good and bright." Junkyu leaned in to Haruto "I was thinking tomorrow..." as he was about to tell him his plans Haruto got up. He walked around the couch to the behind where Junkyu was at.

He grabbed his hands taking a deep breath "Doyoung is coming tomorrow at noon to take you back." Junkyu scoffed at what Haruto told him. Junkyu got up leaving Haruto alone in the living room. The next day Doyoung picked Junkyu up and drove him back to the penthouse.

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