Love is Ouch

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No one's POV...
The next day Haruto called Hyunsuk to discuss about Ji-yong getting arrested. Hyunsuk stared at the caller ID, he didn't want to talk with him after what happened the day before. He hesitated then answered the phone.

"Criminal tax evasion sounds pretty serious. What if they dig deeper? We we're just supposed to scare him." Hyunsuk said in frustration. "Do you think he'll know it was us?" Haruto told him no and said Ji-yong will be fine.

The following week Haruto sent Hyunsuk his draft of the contract. They went into production of the clothing line soon after.

A fashion show was held for Hyunsuk and his line. Everything was going fine the audience and photographers were loving the outfits. As Hyunsuk was roaming back stage a group of men entered the building.

They handed Hyunsuk a envelope "You've broken certain exclusive rights granted to the copyright holder." Hyunsuk looked at the man with a confused look. "I'm sorry but it's watanabe S.P.A."

Hyunsuk couldn't believe what he heard. He almost fell backwards but was caught just in time by the models. While trying to process what was happening the police came in shutting down the show. Jihoon was in the audience watching everyone leave.

He saw Hyunsuk walk out from back stage. Jihoon immediately ran to him worried "Hyunsuk what is it?" He showed jihoon the papers and he was in disbelief. "What the fuck?" Jihoon said under his breath. He comforted Hyunsuk pissed off at what Haruto and Junkyu did.

Next day...
Hyunsuk watched both Haruto and Junkyu walking out the office. He pressed the horn on the steering wheel getting their attention. They pair turned around confused on why he was there. Hyunsuk got out the car slamming the door.

"Hyunsuk?" Said Haruto walking towards him. "Why? Why did you do it?" Hyunsuk shouted at them. Junkyu was playing dumb at him knowing what he was talking about. "What happened?" Junkyu asked.

"Don't even try to lie to me junkyu. Shut your fucking mouth." Junkyu walked to Hyunsuk with anger after hearing him. "Keep your voice down. People are staring." Junkyu said. Junkyu looked around at the people staring at them. "Why did you report me for copyright breach?"

Junkyu let out a small chuckle with a smile. "You abused the watanabe name and started a trade war." Said Junkyu as Haruto turned away from them. "I didn't even. It's not even your real name, okay?" Junkyu looked at Haruto who was rubbing his head from the frustration.

Haruto told Hyunsuk he was sorry and that he didn't want to hurt him. "But Hyunsuk we have a proposition for you. It's the only way." Hyunsuk looked at them knowing what he was talking about. Junkyu walked up to Hyunsuk and whispered into his ear "We want to buy your shares of Watanabe."

Hyunsuk had no chance but to go forward with the deal. He headed back to the apartment flopping onto the bed where jihoon was laying at. "Hyunsuk what is it?" Jihoon asked. Hyunsuk pulled out the documents from the bag showing jihoon. "You sold your shares to them?"

Hyunsuk got up nodding to his question. "Yes, I couldn't do it anymore. I don't want to be apart of that company no more." Hyunsuk got up walking to the living room. Jihoon got up after walking to him. "But isn't this important for you?"

Hyunsuk turned around to face him locking eye contact with him before kissing him. Jihoon was a bit surprised at his actions. Hyunsuk broke the kiss followed by a hug "Being with you is much more important than the company." Jihoon's heart began to flutter. "Plus.. I did get a big amount from them." He joked.

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