Nineteen | Hysteria

Start from the beginning

"Oh, please," I scoffed.

"Yeah, you are not as cute as me, remember that," Gwen said, pointing at him teasingly. We conversed, keeping ourselves busy and well fed. I glanced up at the staff table, couldn't help for my eyes to wander where Snape would sit. And, he was there, keeping a small quiet conversation with Professor Flitwick, but looked little amused. It was another school year, another day for classes, and with him, nonetheless. But, now there was more temptation than ever. That's when I caught his eye and our eyes locked for a second, until I felt Blaise's arm wrap around my waist and pulled me in playfully, maybe caused by a conversation him and Gwen were having that I wasn't paying attention to. Snape rolled his eyes and went back to Flitwick and I gasped, pushing Blaise off me in sudden reflex.

"Woah!" Blaise said, lifting his hands in defeat, "Blimey, I didn't mean to offend you."

"Oh," I blushed and looked down to my plate muttering, "No, it's alright... You didn't."

Gwen cocked an eyebrow and the rest of breakfast, we stayed in an awkward silence with little talk. We got up from our table and trotted off, but Gwen grasped my arm and pulled me from Blaise, hissing, "So, you're not bull shitting me?"

"About what?" I whispered back, looking back at Blaise as he waited against the wall before the stairs to the Grand Staircase.

"You and Snape? I saw you." She replied with a sly smile. "Why would I lie to you?" I retorted, furrowing my eyebrows. She tilted her head and frowned.

"It's not like that. I don't know, it seemed a bit surreal." She murmured.

"Well, it is. Really... I'll see you after school, alright? Study hard." I smirked and poked her forehead with my finger.

"Don't jinx me," she smirked back, indicating the OWLs studies.

I walked back to Blaise and headed to Herbology. For the first day of school, it was really just a drag. I kept quiet in most of my classes, pondering about tonight's lesson with Snape. My first lesson of Legilimency. I wondered how it would play out, how he would teach me. Alone. With Snape. It gave me goosebumps just thinking of it. And yes, it was surreal. What was our current relationship, it was beyond a regular student/teacher, but was this all a game? Do I truly have feelings for him or is this some hormonal stage?

I walked with an uneasy mind to Potions with Blaise, keeping my mouth shut the whole time.

"Are you alright?" Blaise asked, walking side by side to the dungeons.

"Why would you ask that?" I questioned, clutching my book bag.

"You've been quiet all day? Not glad you came back from break, are you?"

"No, I am. I just-- it's school! Just thinking of passing with good grades!" I lied with a fake laugh.

"Scared of Summers?" He asked with half a smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"No, I told you, she's nothing." I said, giving him a dangerous look. And just as we approached the classroom door, my amulet hummed and I knew it was because of Viola Summers, giving me a death glare a few feet away. Her face was clearer now with little sores under her neck. I looked away from her and kept my attention to Blaise.

Suddenly, the door swung open and a very agitated Snape stood by the door, giving all the students a harsh glare. "Inside. Now," he said quietly, yet deadly. The students rushed in, avoiding his glare and some ran in as though they were afraid he'd hit them. I walked in casually, avoiding him as well, but felt his glare more heavily towards me.

The humming would not stop and I knew it would agitate me this whole class.l, I pocketed the necklace into my robes. As I took my seat beside Blaise, Snape slammed the door and headed to the front of the class, flipping over the chalk board, revealing a complex potion.

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