Chapter 13

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Riley's POV

Looking at this building brings back so many memories. I step inside and I notice that the younger kids our taking classes and one of them runs up to me.

"Riley! We've missed you here!" She says.

"It's nice to see you Richelle!" I smile.

"What are you doing here?" She asks.

"I'm just here to take my mind off of thine and maybe dance a bit I the Music Room."

"Alright then I'll see you later."

I walk down the halls of the studio thinking of Richelle, I remember her but the last time I saw her she was 6 and I was 14. I reach the music room drop my bag and find a song to play, we only have a certain selection of songs to dance to so I chose one that suits my mood right now. I get up and start dancing.

I'm falling behind, I'm falling behind. The lyrics play as I dance. When the song finally finishes I'm on the ground in tears. But I think I've made a choice.

James POV

I was dreading the day at school today, I didn't want to go, but I didn't want to see Riley get hurt again today.

I get my bag and drive to the school with 10 minutes until our first period. But Riley was in that class so I headed to it and waited for her. I see her walk in her short brown hair down, but she looked kind of sad.
I motion for her to come and sit by me and she does.

"James I've made my up my mind. I thought about it a lot last night and I decided that we should just be friends for now, and see how it goes." She says, and my heart sinks.

"Okay that's fine, but you'll still talk to me?"

"Of course! Like I said we can still be friends."

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