Chapter 7

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James POV

What did I do? I probably made Riley uncomfortable and now she won't even want me to be her friend even. Hopefully I can talk to her later today.

I was walking to lunch when I bump into Riley.
"I need to talk to you." I tell her

"Okay so talk.."

"Last night I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable... Please forgive me." I say it so fast I don't even know if she understood what I was saying.

"It's fine!" She smiles.

Riley's POV

The kiss actually didn't bother me for some reason... I don't know if I like him that way... Or if he likes me that way.

"Want to come get lunch with me?" I ask.


We grab our lunch from the cafeteria and then sit down with James "friends." I honestly think this is the last time I'm going to sit with them.

When we walk up to the table Michelle gets out a little laugh.

"What's up with you two?" She asks.

"Um, what do you mean?" James asks.

"Well, it's pretty obvious... Did you notice how close you guys were walking?"

"No..." James says.

"Well you two were walking really close and there's obviously something going on between you." She laughs and I've had enough but I stay silent, it's already bad as t is and I though I would have made some frieda but clearly not.

"Michelle, why don't you stay out of other people's business for once."

"Oh and is Riley not going to say anything?"
I get up and walk away and out of the cafeteria.

"Riley, wait!" James yells.

I stop and wait for him, he's the only person in the whole school that will actually talk to me.

"What?" I say, I don't want to yell.

"Don't listen to her.."

I wanted to bring something up so I decided to now.

"Since the kiss last night, what's going to happen?"

"How about you come to my house tomorrow since it's the weekend, and you can meet my parents. I'll text you my address."

"I guess I'm not doing else." I smile and then we hear the bell ring and head off to class.

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