Chapter 5

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Riley's POV

When I got home I ran up to my room like usual then my parents called me down for dinner.

"How was school today?" My mom asked.

"I don't want to talk about it..."

"You can tell us anything you know that."

"I know, but could we maybe talk later?" I say and then sigh.

"Sure..." She says.

After dinner I'm in my room on my phone when I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in" is all I say.

"Could we talk about today?" She asks me.

"Fine...." I sigh and tell her all of what I told James.

"I'm sorry honey, I'm sure it will get better. Do you want me to call the school and maybe you can go see a councillor?"

"I'm okay."

After that she leaves and I can tell she's upset.
James POV

At school the next day we were all just waiting for Riley to come eat with us. I see her getting her food and then hesitating to come over to us so I walk over to her.

"What's wrong Riles?" I ask

"I don't know if I want to eat with you guys, it's gotten worse lately and I don't know if I'm up to talking to everyone."

"Okay that's fine, you know what I'll come eat with you."


I walk over to my friends and explain everything to them.

"I thought you wanted to eat with us!" Michelle whined.

"Today I'm gonna eat with Riley, you got a problem with that?" I ask annoyed.

"I guess not..." She says.

I look around and I notice Riley's short brown hair so I walk over to her.

"Hi." She says

"Hey. So you know how you talked to me about what happened yesterday.." I say.

"James, you know I don't want to talk to you about it anymore, I barely even told my parents but they got it out of me."

"I understand, but how come you feel so comfortable talking to all that stuff about me when you just met me?"

"I don't know, I just feel like I can trust you...." She smiles.

Riley trusted me? That meant a lot, and maybe I did like her a bit. What I was going to ask her was going to be hard.

"Hey Riley, Um, do you want to meet me at the cafe tonight?" I ask nervously, I can tell she is shocked too.

"Wait, so you mean like a date?"

"Yeah I guess, but just as friends."

"Yeah, sure why not I will go."

I looked at her expression and I could tell she looked kind of happy. Which was good.

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