"I'm sorry she ruined our moment. I wasn't expecting her to be here, but I should have known better." He shook his head.

"It's okay. She caught you off guard. Your allowed to be upset by it." You shrugged.

As you approached a red light, he stopped the car and leaned across the console to grab your face gently and plant a soft kiss on your lips.

You saw the light turn green behind your eyelids as he continued kissing you, making you giggle and tell him to drive, as he reluctantly leaned back into his seat.

You both rode in comfortable silence until he got to your dorm building.

"I had fun tonight regardless. Thanks for taking me out." You replied, unbuckling your seatbelt.

"Yea. No problem." Katsuki nodded to you, but still seemed somewhat down.

Maybe he doesn't want to be alone right now..

"Would you...want to stay over tonight?" You asked, looking away as you weren't sure if you read his emotions wrong and didn't want to be clingy.

You realized you guessed correctly though, as his face lit up some and he asked if you were sure you were fine with it.

"Of course. I mean, I think I have some sweatpants that would fit you and I have a bunch of big shirts I sleep in." You smiled at him and nodded towards your building as you opened your door.

He followed you up to your dorm, standing behind you as you unlocked your door and opened it to let both of you in.

He stepped in after you, and began looking around at the place.

"Sorry it's kinda messy. I don't usually have anyone over." You sheepishly smiled at him, as you laid your keys and bag down.

"It's fine." He said giving you a small smile.

"So the shower is around the corner on the left, and the bedroom is to the right. There's some snacks in the cabinets. I'm gonna take a quick shower. Make yourself at home." You headed off towards the bathroom as you left him to wander about your dorm.

You quickly showered and wrapped a towel around yourself as you opened the door and let the steam roll out. You peeked into the living room to see Katsuki looking through your bookshelf, his back to you.

You smiled to yourself and went into your bedroom to change into a baggy black shirt and some black boxers, your shirt covering the underwear as it went down to your upper mid thigh.

You pulled out some sweatpants and another shirt before walking up to Katsuki.

"Here ya go. Let me know if they don't fit or anything." You watched his eyes rake down your naked legs and you shifted under his gaze, as he smirked at you.

"Thanks. I'll be quick." He said as he headed towards the bathroom to take a shower also.

You grabbed some snacks and laid them out on the table and grabbed a blanket before settling onto the couch and opening up Netflix.

As you scanned for something to watch, you heard the bathroom door creak open and watched Katsuki walk out.

He was in just the sweatpants, riding low on his hips and the outline of his dick prominent through the fabric since he wasn't wearing anything underneath. His chest was bare and had droplets of water from his wet hair.

You unconsciously licked your lips looking at him and he strode over to you, sitting on the couch and pulling you close to him, relishing in the momentary shyness you were having.

"Thank you...for letting me stay." He lowly said into your neck, as you wrapped your arms around him comfortingly.

"I like being around you." You admitted, feeling your chest heat up with the confession.

He smiled into your neck, and nuzzled you closer to him.

"I like being around you, too." You we're the one smiling like a fool now, as you both just held each other for a moment.

Finally he released you and let you settle back onto the couch beside him.

You leaned up to grab the snacks and picked a random movie, and let yourself relax with Katsuki beside you, his hand reaching into the bag you were holding.

About halfway through the movie your eyelids were drooping closed, and Katsuki didn't miss it.

He raised up from the couch as you looked up at him sleepily.

"C'mon." He raised his hand out for you to take and you slowly lifted your hand into his, allowing him to pull you to your feet as you yawned.

Walking you to your bedroom he let you climb in first, you scooting over so he could slide in behind you.

As you felt his warm chest press against your back and his strong arms wrap around you, you sighed in contentment and let your eyes slip shut.

The last thing you remembered was Katsuki giving you a squeeze and kissing the back of your head a couple times before you succumbed to sleep.

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