Catching Up

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   The next morning, Danielle was woken up by the sound of banging against a door. Thinking it was her own, she groaned loudly in protest. Rolling off the bed and grabbing her glasses, she had to quickly slip on her pajama pants. She couldn't think of anyone that would want to be at her apartment before noon. Actually, she couldn't think of anyone that would want to be at her apartment at anytime of the day.

   The banging persisted. It was extremely loud and it almost made her ears hurt. What was so important that someone was banging on the door before ten o'clock? In her opinion, it was much too early for anything that didn't involve someone dying. When opening the door, she knew what was going on as soon as she saw the uniforms.

   Four policemen stood at an apartment door across the hall and to the left of hers. One was banging on the door, while the other three their guns out. All of them were big men, about the size of the bouncers she'd see outside of clubs. One in the very back saw her standing in the doorway. He didn't say a word to her, only motioning with his hand to go back inside, and she nodded quickly.

   Danielle slammed her door closed, locking it up as best she could. With that done, she ran into her bedroom and sat behind her bed. That may seem like overreacting to anyone else, but it's not uncommon for someone to start shooting as an attempt to resist arrest. After a moment, she could hear the door across the hallway being forced open. A small squeak forced it's way out as she jumped from the sudden noise.

   Muffled shouting could be heard. She figured most of it was the police, but the person they're arresting are probably yelling as well. Listening, she could hear a man yelling something in Spanish. Well, she assumed that's what it was. Most of the people living in the building were Hispanic. Danielle only moved from her spot when the shouting got further away from her room.

   She wanted to look outside, but knew better than to let her curiosity get the better of her in this situation. Instead, she went into the kitchen to fix her some breakfast. Her only problem was trying to find food to fix for breakfast. She went to the store a few days before, so there had to be food somewhere in her small kitchen.

   Danielle had to force herself to cook. She originally wanted a bowl of cereal or grits, but was out of both items. Not wanting to cook in silence, she went back into her room to grab her cellphone. Then, she clicked on Spotify and pressed the shuffle button. The first song that came on was The Art of Breaking by Thousand Foot Krutch.

   Turning on the stove, Danielle pulled out a skillet and spatula. Then, she grabbed a carton of eggs, a bowl, and a fork. Danielle was quietly singing along to the song as she began to cook her breakfast. She didn't want to wake up anyone else in the building. Even though the majority were probably waken up with the commotion, she would prefer to not have a complaint filed against her.

   Danielle smiled as she sang. She has a lot of songs she calls her favorite, and this was one of them. As the eggs cooked in the skillet, she put two pieces of bread into the toaster. Then, she picked up her phone to go through her music. The first song ended and she didn't feel like listening to the one that came on after it.

   There wasn't anything that she absolutely wanted to listen to. So, she pressed shuffle again. This time, the song that started playing was Hear Me Now. Danielle instantly thought of Matthew and their time together the previous night. The smile on her face grew into a full blown grin.

   She turned off her stove and put her breakfast on a plate. She grabbed her cell phone before leaving the kitchen and sitting on the couch. Sitting the plate down beside her, she began to consider messaging Matthew. It seemed like both a good idea and a bad one. The only reason why she wasn't sure about it was because it could easily go either way.

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