Six Years Later

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  Six years later, not many things had changed. Danielle was now twenty six and she looked almost exactly the same. The only difference is her piercings, tattoos, and hair color. Now with dark purple hair, Danielle was still the pudgy girl she has always been. Another thing that changed in her life was where she lived.

   Rather than living in a duplex with her mother and stepfather in Ontario, she had moved to a small apartment in Los Angeles, California. She had moved shortly after becoming twenty. One reason being that it would give her more freedom from her parents. The second being that she and her mother were beginning to get along less and less. Besides, she was twenty, why would she not move out?

   A little after twelve in the afternoon, Danielle was already awake. She hasn't made it out of the bed yet, but she was awake. Her hazel eyes wandered around her small room, despite not being able to see anything. Eventually, she rolled over to put on her black glasses. Still, she didn't move from her queen sized bed.

  The room was grey. It didn't have much, other than a bed, dresser, and a table. Band posters had been taped to the wall next to her bed as decoration. There weren't very many, because she found it hard to find band merch of the bands she liked. Other than that, the walls were covered randomly with pictures she had drawn over the years of living there.

   After about five minutes, she threw the heavy covers off of her and climbed out of the bed. Danielle stood up and straightened out her black shirt that had a blue dragon on it. It had moved and been twisted in random places throughout the night and was becoming uncomfortable. Then, she made her way into her small kitchen. The key word there is 'small'.

   It was placed right next to the front door, with two rows of cabinets on both walls, a sink, and a fridge. One person took up a lot of space in there, let alone two. At least there was an opening, showing into the living area. The living area was the largest part of her appartment, but still wouldn't be considered that large. All she had in there was a love seat, a table, a small bookshelf, and a couch that could be pulled out into a bed.

   Unfortunately, she couldn't paint any of the rooms. If she could, she would repaint them to look less bland. It the rooms weren't some ivory color, it was beige. She disliked it so much, but couldn't do much about it. Moving wasn't an option either.

   Living in Los Angeles meant that practically everywhere worth living in was expensive. Common sense says that buying expensive things required money, money she doesn't currently have. She was barely able to find this place, so, at the time, she was more than happy to get it. Until she found out about the area around, of course. All she could say on that matter is that she should have paid more attention to the graffiti on the walls of buildings.

   As she rummaged through her fridge and pantry for breakfast, her phone started to ring from her bedroom. She would have ignored it, until she figured out what ringtone was playing. The song was U + Ur Hand by Pink, and was reserved for one thing. That one thing is anyone involved with her job. Muttering 'fuck', she ran into her room and grabbed her phone right before it could send whoever was calling to voicemail.

   "Hello?" She answered

"Hey, Danni," Her boss, Michael, responded, "I need you to cover Kayla's shift tonight. She was supposed to be here at five."

Danielle wanted to tell him that he isn't one of the few people allowed to call her Danni. However, he was her boss and she's expected to play nice. Didn't mean she wanted to.

  "What's wrong with Kayla?" She asked, then added, "I mean, I can cover her, but what's wrong?"

She could hear him sigh out of irritation. "She fell and broke her ankle."

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