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Hardin sits opposite the detective, hands cuffed to the table as his legs bounce. He keeps looking around. "Look, man, just tell me where Esther is."

"She's getting help. That's all you need to know." He says. He's slightly older, dark skin, kind eyes, slight afro with grey peppered in it. "Look, I don't want to be responsible for raising questions with your visa but I gotta know whats going on, kid."

"Kid?" Hardin rolls his eyes and looks at the guy. "I told you - he looked at my girl funny."

"I know you're lying. I can see here-" He looks at the files in front of him, "- that your partner was recently attacked. No one would blame you if that was the guy."

Hardin tries to remain calm. "Either way you're gonna get me kicked out. Why bother with the truth." He snaps. He's decided to lie - if the matey gets off and he gets off then he has another chance to kill him.

The detective leans across the table and clasps his hands. "Why won't you let us help? If it was my girl that got hurt..." He shakes his head.

Hardin glares but says nothing.

The man sits back. "It's almost like you want him to get away with it."

Hardin shrugs.

"If my girl went through that, I'd hurt anyone and everyone responsible." He keeps going. "I'd be sick with disgust at the thought of someone else's hands on her. The thought of what he wanted to d-"

"ENOUGH!" Hardin yells and stands instantly, glaring. "Shut up!"

"There it is. You wouldn't react that way if he just 'looked'." The man says calmly. "Sit down. Tell me what he did because I assure you I'll get him sent away. Chances are he's done it before and he'll do it again when he gets the chance. Get him before he presses charges and you get fucked. "

Hardin sits slowly, taking a deep breath. "Fi-"

"My client has no comment."

Hardin and the detective look over to see a woman in a pant suit stood in the doorway. Vance is stood behind her. Hardin rolls his eyes. "She ain't with me."

"Detective Wallace, I need a word with my client." She says ignoring him.

"You ain't my lawyer, love!" He snaps.

Christian glares. "Shut up Hardin."

Hardin smirks darkly. "Or what dad? Think you missed the part where you can tell me what to do - 20 years too late."

Vance glares but turns to Wallace. "Detective, please."

Wallace looks at a pissed Hardin and then at the two in the doorway. "He doesn't want a lawyer." He shrugs. "Can't force him."

Vance hits the door and storms away, the lawyer shaking her head as she follows. Hardin clenches his fists and sucks his teeth as he shakes his head. "Fucking asshole." He mutters.

Wallace tucks his chair in a little more and clasps his hands on the table. "Where were we."


Hardin rubs his wrists, finally free of the cuffs, as he waits out in the waiting room. No ones told him why but they bought Esther to a hospital - a psychiatric ward. She had to be sedated in the end. He looks over his shoulder and scoffs as he sees Vance walking fast towards him, a pissed look on his face.

"What did you say to them." He demands. "There's only so much damage control that can be done-"

"I told them the truth. I wanted to kill the geeza coz of what he intended on doing to Esther." Hardin shrugs, pacing still. "Whats your problem with that?"

Harder Than Ever After [H. Scott]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ