Chapter 1 - Day at the exam

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All right kids am off . Uche said
Bye. Both Dan and tiffany said
Just rember whatever grade you get I'll still love you forever
  Thanks dad
Alright kids am off. Uche said as he zoomed off.
  Alright tiffany this time I will read really hard and get a better grade than you. Dan exclaimed
Yeah yeah that's what you always say. Tiffany said sighing
Count on it. As Dan moved into his class
Hmph. This always happens, just hope this doesn't cause another disaster. Tiffany sighed
  On a normal basis tiffany is naturally smarter than Dan,but whenever tiffany get's a higher grade than Dan,he always gets into a dramatic trauma for a few minutes.

    But for tiffany this was different this was her last examination in high school she was about to go into college.  It was only today and tomorrow and all she had to do was wait for admission. She had studied for a whole month for this examination   she had  read every past question and answer she could get,she was sure she would pass. But not her normal grade of maybe 6a's or that she wanted to get a kind of grade that would go down in the history book. She was so confident she would pass she didn't even think if someone would frame her or trick her into examination malpractice, she was sure she would pass.
     Ok breath in breath out breath in breath out,Ok am ready toffany said as she walked into the examination hall


Good evening mom,both Dan and tiffany greeted their mother
Good evening kids how was the exam. Louis asked her kids
  It was cool, Dan said trying not to lose control of himself.
Ok what about you tiffany.
Hold on I need to change and eat before i could even talk about my day. Tiffany explained.
Ok honey dinner would be ready in thirty minutes anyway. Louis added
Fine then I won't take to long in the shower then.
Uhh girls right,Dan asked his dad
Yeah I guess. Uche said as he slowly moved away

       30 minutes later....
           DURING THE DINNER....
Alright smart girl would you mind to tell us about it day. Louis asked
Hey am smart too. Dan argued.
Of course you are honey but now tiffany is about to enter college so I want to hear about her day. Louis explained
Hmph fine then. Dan said angrily.
Ok back to what I was saying tiffany how was your day.
My day was so good it was so easy I'm sure I passed everything. Tiffany explained
Hey what did we tell you about over confidence. uche asked his daughter
Come on dad it was so easy what is not there to be confident about.
All were trying to say is that maybe you should still read the questions could be off what you read. Louis added
Am fine mom heck I don't think i might read at all I am gonna pass nothing will stop me. Tiffany explained in her mind
All right mom done with dinner off to bed don't wanna be late for school. Tiffany yawned
  Good night baby Louis said
  Good night mom and dad

    The next morning....
    Tiffany thought she didn't need to refresh her mind she was so confident she would pass, she passed the first she would obviously pass the second.
  All right let's go tiffany said as she moved into the examination hall.

During the examination....

  Ok no cheating if you are caught it will be disastrous. The invigilator said as he shared the paper's.
This will be so easy. Tiffany thought,but as the paper reached her she immediately forgot everything she knew she was so confused.
   Five minutes into the examination....
One of the most notorious kids in her class saw that she hasn't even started.
Ha this should be good. Sasha thought
Hey tiffany. calling her attention
Here you go Sasha said passing a little answers for tiffany
Thanks. Tiffany said
In not less than a minute Sasha stood up and shouted,Mr. Invigilator tiffany is using some answers in her hand.
Tiffany immediately realized what she was doing but it was too late.
Tiffany Laurence stand up. The invigilator demanded

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