5 - Back to Normal

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At this same time, Meggy, Saiko and Tari were right outside the hotel.

There was also a dumpster full of trash and a mattress next to it on the side of the road.

Tari: (sniff) I don't know why Smg4 would yell at me like that.

Saiko: Me either, but I'm gonna teach him a lesson next time I see him!

Meggy: Come on guys, we all know Smg4 wouldn't do that on purpose. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding.

Tari: Yeah, I suppose that could be possible.

Saiko: That better be the only reason.

Meggy: So, do you think the boys are here already?

Suddenly, a phone fell from the sky and landed in front of Tari.

Tari: (picks it up) Wait, isn't this Smg4's phone??

They also heard a familiar scream getting louder and louder the second.

They looked up and saw Mario falling too, and ended up landing headfirst into the middle of the road with his head getting stuck in it.

Being really worried, Meggy and Tari pulled him out of the road. Saiko obviously didn't care.

Meggy: Are you okay, Mario? That looked like it hurt a lot.

Mario: ...y'know what? ...yeah, Mario's just fine! Didn't even hurt!

Tari: What?? But you fell from so high and landed on your head in the road.

Mario: Nah, Mario's survived worse than that. Although, I may or may not feel my spine in my brain.

They all also heard 2 ther familiar screams in the air. Those were from Luigi amd Smg4 who were also falling.

Luckily for them, they landed safely on the big mattress and bounced off of it in front of everyone else.

Luigi: 👋 Hey guys! Happy Valentine's Day!

Smg4: Yeah! By the way, sorry about that call Tari. I swear, it was just a big misunderstanding.

Saiko: You're lucky it is!

Tari: He he, that's her way of saying "We forgive you".

They then heard yet another scream above, this time coming from Desti. She, however, ended up landing in the dumpster.

They all went by it to check on her and she was looking relaxed, laying in there.

Desti: Aaahh...

Saiko: Um, you good, Desti?

Desti: Never better! I never knew how relaxing laying in garbage is! I'm starting to understand why Bob is so poor.

Meggy: You're... enjoying that??

Desti: Of course I am. I'm even used to the smell now.

Everyone else then walked back a few feet to talk in private.

Saiko: What's wrong with her?

Luigi: Don't know why that... but we have another problem.

Mario: Before we say anything, it wasn't my fault!

Smg4: Technically, it is your fault since you sent her to E.Gadd's in the first place.

Mario: Excuse me for wanting my house to smell like spaghetti!!

Luigi: Desti has an insane crush on us all.

Girls: WHAT?!?!?

Luigi: It's a long story, we'll tell you everything later. For now, we have a plan to turn her back to normal. I was gonna get her to meditate to make her relaxed, but I see she already is. Now we just need the Chamomile tea in those syringes.

Mario: ......

Smg4: (sigh) You left them on the roof, didn't you Mario?

Mario: ...would you be mad if I said no??

They then saw one more thing falling from above. It was actually the 2 syringes of Chamomile tea falling from the roof.

They all saw them land directly on Desti's head with the needles in her and saw the teas injected in her directly.

Everyone went to check on her and a few seconds later, she was instantly knocked out cold.

Luigi: ...well, that takes care of that.

Smg4: Yeah... so who wants to take her out the dumpster?

Tari: (sigh) I'll call Bob.


Desti regained consciousness and woke up in her bed in front of everybody.

Desti: Wha...what the hell happened??

Tari: Hi Desti, are you feeling good?

Desti: I feel like I just came from a dumpster.

Smg4: Oh, you did. It was one hell of a time trying to clean you up.

Desti: Oh... really though, what did happen? Last thing I remember was that a bottle fell on my head at E.Gadd's place and everything went dark.

Meggy: You don't remember anything else after that?

Desti: No, that's it.

Luigi: Hey Desti, we have a weird question to ask... are you in love with me, Mario and Smg4?

Desti: Eww, no!! I don't!! Not that you're bad people or anything, but you guys are nowhere near my type!! No offense.

Smg4: Guys, I think she's back to normal!

Desti: Huh??

Mario: Mario's not sure yet. Desti, what's my name?

Desti: Really? You just said it. It's Maria. No wait, I think you said Marino. Wait, now I remember! It's definitely Mayo, right?!

Mario: Okay, she's definitely back to normal!

Desti: What are you guys talking about?!

Luigi: You had a temporary, rapid crush on all 3 of us.

Desti: I... I did??

Meggy: Don't worry, they explained it to us, and they said nothing happened.

Desti: Whew, thank God!

Smg4: I'm just glad that everything's back to normal!

Tari: Yeah, me too!

Desti: This was one weird Valentine's Day, but at least it's over.

Saiko: (sniffs) Why does in here smell like spaghetti??

Meggy: (sniffs) Yeah, I can smell it too.

Luigi: Oh yeah, we forgot the Spaghetti freshener in the vents. You should go amd get it in the vents, Mario.

Mario: Or, I could not go in the vents and move in here.

Everybody: ......

Mario: Alright, fine, I'll get it.

That's the end of the Valentine's Day Special. Sorry for being a few days late. Hope you enjoyed it though. Follow me to see more awesome stories. New one starting in a few days. See you then!

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