"i knew you seemed familiar muffin head!" i said

he smiled at me "i used to always copy off you" he said laughing

"i knew it!" i said joining the laugh

we smiled at each other

"your escaping idea i wanna try it you know just incase i don't end up making it" zak said

i hugged the boy tightly "ur strong zak you will make it!" i said to the other.

i herd two of the staffs snickering as they walked the creek filled floors.

i walked out to see a staff i don't see often they had black hair with black glasses.

i couldn't make out there face that much seeing they were wearing a black mask but i did see a hint of acne.

they were pale and had dark brown eyes they gave me eye contact as they walked down the hallway it was sort of a intimidating stare.

i closed me and zaks door slowly my heart pounding from the slight scare.

have they always been here? they have seemed to get along with the newest staff yari.

i sat back on the bed zak sat he looked as if he was confused

"whats wrong darryl? you seem tense" zak stated out of a sense of worry

"have you always seen the staff with the mask?" i asked

he looked more confused

"who?" the confusion on the boy was visible

"nevermind" i said nicely

"lets go find ways to escape" i whispered into zaks ear.

i felt like there was someone watching me and there was. I saw two pairs of black eyes looking at me as i whispered into zaks ear.

my heart felt like it was pounding out my chest.

"dinner time" the faceless staff spoke there voice was deep and scary.

me and zak got up its like the faceless staff knew what we were whispering about.

we walked out the room as the lady on the intercom spoke

"dinner time!" the lady spoke as we walked downstairs

we entered the dinning room and sat down.

i sat next to zak not a peep leaving my mouth.

there were two people missing from the table as we sat down ate silently ate.

karls pov (•̀ᴗ•́)و

these last few days have been awesome i met this person his names sapnap.
we clicked instantly its been hard for me to trust and talk to others in this house but being with sapnap i feel less alone.

dont kill me just yet DISCONTINUEDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن