twenty four: mine

Start from the beginning

"I have to help" I finally expressed leaving the girl I was with and approaching Theia who only reached out to me.

"I can't breathe properly" She whispered to me and I nodded understanding her, it seemed that she was still not aware that it was Lamia who woke her up.

"It's good to have you back..i think" I nodded to Lamia and saw as her eyes saddened even more from the sudden connection between Theia and I. The Queen placed an arm around my shoulder to support herself but I decided to carry Theia in my arms as an easier alternative, i breathed out a sigh of relief while walking away from the scene. I didn't know how choked up i felt until i got away from all of it. Those who were with Lamia helped around and some watched Theia and I walk out.

"We are the Tribrids, this war has been going on and it is finally time to put a stop to this!" I heard the girl speak louder once again. I couldn't stay long enough to hear the rest. I almost made it near a horse before feeling faint again and slowly going down on my knees.

The girl from before stood beside me and took Theia from my arms and she bent down for me to go on her back, I hesitated but she held my hands and I gave in.

Doctor Collins and a few servants were already waiting by the door but this time, there seemed to be more healers that Lamia brought with her. We took Theia to her chambers to rest while servants, some Tribrids and Doctor Collins attended to Theia. I paced back and forth outside of her chambers, my head full of worry that I didn't even realise the bruises that were still all over my arms and body.

I flinched when i accidentally bumped into the door and finally forced myself to calm down. I slid down the wall and buried my head in between my legs as I finally sighed and let it out all out. The warmth feel of the tears sliding down my face contrasts with the cold air blowing around the castle. I could feel a presence next to me and I expected Lamia to sit beside me but it was her again.

"Here" She offers her hands and i reluctantly put mine on hers and slowly, it felts warm again, the bruises i had started to heal slowly and i gaped my mouth open in amazement.

"How d-did you-" I stuttered and stared at her, she flashed her glowing green eyes at me and that was when i realised, Tribrids had healing powers.

"You're Casie?" I looked at her confused and slowly nodded my head. "Lamia told me all about you" She smiled and I had to look away to hide the redness of my cheek, i tried to calm myself down but i shouldve known better. She felt what i was feeling and giggled, which made me more flustered.

"My name is Selene" She whispers softly and attempted to watch my face but i only looked further away. I felt as she leaned her head on my shoulder and i look back to find her with eyes closed, hands placed above my own as it rested on my thighs.

We stayed in the position for what felt like awhile before a few servants came out and informed us about Theia's condition.

"It seems like she would take awhile to recover, her body absorbed a lot of wolfs bane that could've killed hundreds of werewolves but as she is the only one, her condition could be critical" I gripped my heart as it ached hearing those words, i looked at Selene with a glimpse of hope.

"You can heal her right?" I asked her after Doctor Collins left and a few others. Selene looked away and sighed and i wanted to cry at the sight, she shook her head, "Her body absorbed too much, if we force her to heal, it could be too much" I broke down in her shoulders and i felt as she embraced my figure. Selene coughed lightly and i see as she glanced at something behind me.

I looked back to find Lamia standing there, she looked down and took awhile for her eyes to connect to mine. I ran to her and i could feel her body stiffen, "Have you been well?" I mumbled. She slowly brought her hands around my waist and engulfed me in a tight embrace, she nodded and buried her face onto my neck.

"I missed you all" She mumbled back and it took us awhile to pull back, we stared at each other's reddened eyes from crying and chuckled. I stepped back and pointed towards Theia's chambers.

"T-t-they sai-d th-" I couldn't bring myself to tell Lamia about her mates condition so Selene took a step forward and held my hands, "She's in a critical condition at the moment, it is hard to tell when she's going to wake up" Lamia's eyes widened and I heard her heart beat faster.

She slowly walked up to the door and brings her hand on the door. Yet it lingers there for awhile and Selene and I stare at her. Lamia stared at her hands, it was as if she couldn't bring herself to open it.

"Casie!" A small voice rang, interrupting the silence between the three of us, I caught the little girl in my arm feeling the gaze of both Lamia and Selene on the pup in my arms.

"Where's Mummy?" Lily asked me with her big curious eyes, I smiled at her softly as tears began to form around my eyes once again, Lily looked at me confused, holding both my cheek with her cold hands.

"Mum?" Lamia broke the silence this time, she looked at Lily then at me, her eyes heartbroken. I widened my eyes in realisation, "Lily calls Theia her mum after you lef-" I couldn't bring myself to finishing my sentence.

"Lily helped with her pain at the time and they bonded through that, she's not real-" I stopped myself again, looking at Lily who grew more confused. Thankfully, Lamia understood and sighed in relief. Selene also nodded.

"Mummy's in there, she's just taking a rest. Let's go see her" Lamia whispers gently to Lily and I handed her to Lamia. This time it was easier for both of them to open the door and I watched as they disappeared on the other side. My heart was satisfied. They were finally all together.

"For a second there, I thought you were a mum" Selene jokingly let out a big sighed if relief and i blushed, not knowing how to react.


Lamia POV

I carried Lily into my arms and watched as she reached out to Theia. I gently set her on the bed.

"Be careful, don't move too much" I whispered to her. Lily situated herself in Theia's arms while i caressed her forehead, leaving a few forehead kisses here and then. Lily watched me and i smiled at her too, she pointed her tiny fingers to her own forehead and i leaned down to kiss hers too. She smiled at me and continued to lean on Theia, not long before she falls asleep too.

My tears fell down silently watching the sight of both girls, how could i have left her. The guilt in my heart continued until now, even after three years in my world. Every time i felt weak, i would think of this moment. Finally back into her arms, but not this way. i leaned down to kiss her forehead again and i lingered this time.

"Hi" A small voice whispers and i pull back immediately to see her eyes open, her beautiful blue eyes on mine, it was so euphoric when she smiled at me. Her hands slowly rested on my cheek and i leaned into her touch. I couldn't hold myself back and finally leaned into her, missing the touch of her lips. When I pulled back, our foreheads rested together, both of us smiling from ear to ear. I place my hand on her stomach and she hisses.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled to which she chuckled lightly and reassured me that she was fine. She noticed Lily next to her and also caressed the little girl's head.

"Mum?" I asked Theia who smiled brightly at me. She nodded, "She was so much like you" I smiled at her and finally gave in.

"It seems like she definitely is" I admitted and flashed my glowing green eyes at Theia who looked at me confused then realisation hit her.

"Lily is a Tribrid?" I nodded and she smiled softly, "Somehow, the goddesses knew" I shrugged and snuggled into Theia like how Lily was snuggled into her.

"And you're a tribrid too?" I smiled at Theia's question and kissed her as an answer. Before closing my eyes, i looked up at her with doe eyes.

"i missed you so much, and i still miss you even if i'm right next to you now. I missed you every second that i was away from your touch i missed-"

She silenced me with a gentle kiss on my lips and i finally get to stare at her beautiful features and my favourite pair of eyes.

"Promise me you'll never go anywhere else without me" She whispers and i smile back before burying my head into her neck.


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