PREFERENCE TEN - They Take You To The Library

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He'd be more than happy to take you to a library. He'd make sure you'd get whichever books you'd like to read, and he'd let you take as much time as you needed. He'd also buy some other books as a surprise for you, and write little messages inside to make you smile.


He'd also be more than happy to take you to a library. He'd help you look for the books you were wanting, and also get them for you if you couldn't reach. He'd also look for a few books for himself, but he'd make sure you got what you wanted first.


He'd take you to the library and would be more than happy to help you find what you were looking for. He'd much rather be out clothes shopping, but he'd only want to see you happy and so would do these little things for you. But after a while, he would realise it wasn't that bad and actually enjoy being there.


He'd take you there and would help you look for what you wanted, but he'd struggle to keep quiet as all he wanted to do was talk to you and make him laugh. You wouldn't be in there long, as Keith would keep making you laugh and you'd keep being told to be quiet. So afterwards, you would both walk out in fits of laughter.


I hope this is similar to what you were looking for Magiuneration! If you have anymore ideas then just let me know and I'll see what I can do! I hope you're well, and have a great day!! ❤️❤️

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