Chapter 10:: It's okay

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Author's POV:

"We've reached the graveyard." Mrs Kim spoke as you all got out. Walking inside the graveyard, you saw the signboard where Taehyung's grandmother was buried. You all went there and stood behind Taehyung and his mother who were paying respects to his grandmother. You all also paid your respects. You saw how Taehyung was unusually quiet and calm. You heard from Junho that he loved his grandmother more than anything. 
You stood beside him as Mrs Kim was shedding a few tears while your mom comforted her. 

"We're doing good, Ma. Please rest in peace. We're always missing you." Mrs Kim said as your mom smiled paying her respects. After a while, you all left.
"I have somewhere to go. I'll be right back." Taehyung spoke getting up and walking away as Junho sighed. You knew Taehyung was sad. You looked down. Everyone got in the car as Junho spoke, "He must be in the graveyard. Aigo..." 
"I'll be right back." You said getting out of the car your mom looked at you confused.
"Where are you going?" She asked as you replied, "I'll just take a walk. And then I'll come back. Don't worry. I know the way. You all go!" You said shutting the car door as they drove away. You walked towards the grave and noticed that Taehyung was sitting there. 

You noticed that he was crying. Sighing, you walked towards him and stood behind him. 
"G-Grandma... I miss you." He spoke wiping his tears as you smiled at him. You looked at the picture of him and his grandma. He was crying hard making your heartache. You didn't know why but seeing him cry like that made your heartache. You crouched down and patted his back. He flinched a little and looked at you completely shocked. You saw how his face was a mess. Teardrops fell from his cheeks and his nose flushed red. 
"It's okay. Cry if you want to." You said in a soft voice patting his back slowly. He looked down crying. You stroked his back lightly as he kept crying. 

Some time passed by and now you both were sitting on a bench outside the graveyard.
"Why did you come here?" He asked wiping his eyes with a tissue as you said, "I figured you'd be wailing alone if someone didn't come." He looked at you as you smiled saying, "I've been there. Sometimes, we feel so sad and we miss our loved ones. But they can't be there so it feels even lonelier. In those times, all you need is someone to sit beside you and say it'll be fine and hug you." 
He looked at you, his eyes becoming moist again as you looked at him saying, "Are you going to cry the entire day?" He shook his head wiping his tears.
"You're a bigger softie than I expected." You chuckled as he said, "Who told you to expect.." You smiled before patting his head as you said, "It's okay. She must be missing you too. And probably doesn't want you to cry because you miss her. Instead, you should smile more and laugh more. Since that's what grandma wants for you. I know that." 
"How do you know?" He asked as you replied, "At some point.. you just know. You said that to me, didn't you?" 

He chuckled saying, "Now you're copying my dialogues."
"Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something? Noona will treat you." He smiled at your statement and said, "Then... I want jjajangmyeon." You nodded saying, "Let's also get some for others." He nodded as you both walked together towards the restaurant. After getting the food, you paid as you both walked on the road towards home.

You both were quietly walking. It felt comfortable walking with him quietly. You didn't have to talk, there wasn't any awkwardness. Though a weird feeling lingered around you both, you felt free. As if you didn't have to care so much about how to act, unlike the first time you met him. You chuckled realizing how time flies. It felt like yesterday that he paid for your groceries and asked for your number. Looking back, you probably had no idea you'd be walking with him right now. Life is truly so unpredictable. 

Taehyung looked at you confused seeing you chuckle but smiled a little looking in front of the road. Some time passed by as you both reached the house. Smiling you said, "Let's go inside." He nodded as you both went inside. 
"We're home!" You said as Taehyung got inside keeping the bags of food. Your mom came forward asking, "You both came together?"
"Yeah... I met him on my way to take a walk." You said as Taehyung looked at you realizing you told them you'd be taking a walk but you were with him instead. 
"What's this?" Junho asked as you replied, "We brought some food. Jjajangmyeon!" Mrs Kim chuckled saying, "Aigo! That's great then! Quickly freshen up and let's all eat together." 

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