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Blair slowly took a few steps out of the bathroom before making her way to the halls as she lean her back against the wall with a sigh before sliding down with a smile. She pulled her knees up to her chest before letting out a laugh.

"We did it"

She said quietly to herself as she placed her hand over her stomach.

"Ah there you are, Lady Blair. Are you still not feeling well?"

Said a voice causing Blair to look up to see Whis. He held out a hand to help her up as she smiled at him.

"Just a little"

She answered honestly before deciding to keep her finding a secret for now.

"Perhaps another cup of tea would help"

Whis suggested as he knew Lady Blair was sick for the last few days.

"I would appreciate it"

She said with a smile.

"Good. Oh before I depart, Lord Beerus request your presence outside"

"Did he say what for?"

She asked.

"He honestly felt bad seeing you sick and wanted to make it up to you"

Blair couldn't help but smile before nodding as she left to head outside to find her mate.

"You called for me?"

She asked as she found her mate sitting on a tall tree stump.

"Yes, how are you feeling?"

"Whis is making me another tea"

"So the same"


She said as she rubbed her belly. Lord Beerus slightly smiled as he jumped down in front of her.

"Then how about a light snack"

He said as he motion her towards the lake there was a blanket set up with food. Blair couldn't help but smile at the kind offer as she nodded. They sat together as they began to eat and talk.

"Hmmm let's see what would be easy for your tummy?"

Lord Beerus said in thought as he looked at their selection of food.

"How about a KeyLime Pie?"

"Sounds great"

A moment had passed as Lord Beerus and Blair remain in a comfortable silence as they ate. Lord Beerus was mostly consuming everything while Blair just remain in her thoughts.

'How do I begin to tell him?'

She thought as she looked to him happily devouring a chicken leg.

'I'll just give him the proof'

She thought as she got out the pregnancy stick from her back pocket.

"Now time for desert"

Lord Beerus said happily rubbing his hands together as he reached for the whip covered blueberry pie at the same time as Blair stretched out a hand to him knocking over the pregnancy stick out of her hand as it landed in the pie. Blair blushed as she watched her mate looking at the stick with curiosity.

"Blair, one thing I hate is when someone interfere with my snack time but however in this case throwing your pee stick on my pie is...."

"Just read it"

She said cutting him off as he recognized the stick to be a pregnancy stick. Lord Beerus let out a small growl as he took out the stick from the pie as he read the results. He looked at her sternly.

"Are you certain?"

He asked.

"How else could I make it positive?"

She asked. Lord Beerus remained quiet as he looked back to the test and couldn't help but smirk.

"Well than I guess you can say I can stop trying so hard to pound it into you"

Blair couldn't contain her blush as she giggled.

"Technically I didn't say you can stop hitting it hard, I like that part very much"

Lord Beerus send her a wink.

"Good we're on the same page"

"Same page on what?"

Said a voice causing Blair and Beerus to look to see Whis arriving with a cup of tea in hand. Lord Beerus held out a hand to Blair as he helped her up.

"Blair is pregnant"

Lord Beerus happily announced. Whis happily smiled.

"Oh that's fantastic news, I think a congratulations is in order"

"Thank you"

Blair said with a smile.

"Plus the both of you still have one month to spare. What will the two of you being doing during those times?"

He asked curiously.

"Not that that's any of your bees wax, but a few ideas do come to mind"

He said wrapping his arms possessively around Blair's waist causing her to smirk at her mate with a blush.

"I know this kind of occasion should be shared among friends"

Said Whis with a smile.


Blair asked.

"Meaning to let's head to Planet Earth"

"Oohh but you told me that..."

"Just stay by my side"

Lord Beerus said cutting Blair off. Blair couldn't help but smile at Lord Beerus's possessiveness around her as she let out a soft sigh.


She said gently as she looked to her mate with adoration.

"Good then let's go"

He announced.

*Planet Earth*


Everyone happily shouted to the couple. Bulma decided to throw a party for to celebrate and the perks of being the richest women on earth, caterers were already serving food around Bulma's backyard. Lord Beerus was sitting on the recliner under the umbrella for shade. Blair was by his side and happily feeding him.

"Wow it sure is hot today"

Bulma said as she looked to the pool and then to Lord Beerus and Blair who were by the pool.

"Hey are you guys planning to join in?"

She asked. Blair looked to Bulma with a slight glare as she notice Bulma was wearing an outfit too revealing for her taste.

'Is she seriously wearing that outfit in front of my mate? Just what is she trying to prove, she's too old'

Blair thought as she looked to her mate and saw he was staring at Bulma. Blair couldn't help but growl as Bulma had his attention on her. Blair stood up from her seat and made her way to Bulma.

"Hey, do you mind changing into something more cover up?"

"Hmmm, what do you mean? It's a party and plus it's hot"

Blair couldn't help but show off her sharp teeth as she growled. She turn to look towards her mate, who staring at them with curiosity before looking back to Bulma.

"Then you left me no choice"

She said with a hiss.

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