The crown prince would dig his own grave by opposing with the king's choices, and everyone knew that. Digging it with his own bare hands, unmindful of the repulsive gazes, accompanied with idioticy in their thoughts.

He had done it before, he will do it again.

"I need to speak to my father." He demands, glaring at the guards that hesitated in opening the doors. With his impatience, he kicks it down, mindless of the crack he heard and struts inside the court. "A'die." He calls heavily, lifting his head up to meet the king's gaze that sat on his throne above the platform. "A'die, have you gone mad? What is this me being king once I'm eighteen? The coronation shouldn't be until two years from now!"

"Ai, ai. Why are you so mad, er'zi?" The king rests his head on his knuckles, a gentle smile on his lips as he looks down. "Anyone would jump on the opportunity to be king. You, as the heir to the throne. Destined to reign over Zhuliu, is mad because I wanted you to be king earlier?"

"This isn't what we agreed on."

"Being king is blessing itself in almost all aspects." Mu Liu responds eagerly, as if passing on his title was something he didn't find repulsive before. "And what if we agreed on waiting until you reach twenty-one? The agreement doesn't matter as long as I give you the crown. I'm giving it to you now, why refuse?"

Mu Qing grits his teeth, fists balled under the pooling of his sleeves. Fixing his gaze into a disrespectful glare. "There's a catch, isn't? You don't do things without a proper discussion with the other party, that could challenge you for your title."

The king barks out a laugh, for once, he doesn't bother correcting the sinful look his son threw at him. "You know me too well, er'zi. Truly, the son of the king! A proper heir!" He stands, his air full of elegancy of a king as he began stepping down from the platform. "There is - and no, you had told me you didn't want a harem, and no harem it is. However, a king must have a guide by his side. Someone that could help rule over the kingdom. Someone that could care for their people like a mother to her children."

Mu Qing stares, clenching his fists tighter. Feeling his nails pierce through his palm, something wet quickly oozing out as the king finally steps on the ground they stood on.

There was an odd glint in his eyes, one that Mu Qing rivals with a thunderous gaze. Ready to strike, ready to draw his saber to threaten his own father's life without a second thought.

"Anger... anger is dangerous. One mustn't act upon it."

"Someone that could take care of you as well, my son." Mu Liu pats his shoulder. The whole court watching intently at the royalties of Zhuliu. "Your mother and I wouldn't be always here after all."

"Someone..." Mu Qing trails off crisply, narrowing his eyes. "Would his majesty elaborate on who this someone is?"

Mu Liu smiles avidly. Looking to the side, and Mu Qing follows.

Now, he noticed the three women standing to the side. One with a symbolic crown he would notice anywhere. He had seen it multiple times already, in royal conventions where he was forced to attend. Despite not being needed at all. Adorned in robes of amethyst purple with white stitching depicting the authority of a true royal in their kingdom. The golden crown sat atop her head, complimenting her dark hair. A smile on her red lips that did not reach her eyes.

Her royal majesty, the queen of Xunya, Zi Xianshi.

To the other side, the infamous female general of Xunya, Yui Quinyang. Dark mauve armor covering her well-built body, black vambraces on both her wrist. Umber hair pulled into a tight, half pony-tail. Tied with a short, black ribbon, paired with a black hair ornament to indicate her position. She won many wars. Conquered even those that dared to flaunt their own victories. Boasting, and degrading, she stomped on them all.

Mu Qing had actually fought her once when he was merely fifteen. Albeit lost, the female general had shown quite the stamina and durability. Able to withstand multiple strikes from the prince before she went down. He had respected her because of that at most. Goes to show she wouldn't back down until she physically couldn't go on anymore.

In their centre stood a tall, equally beautiful woman. Silk draping across her face to cover the true beauty beneath it.

Wearing purple, lighter robes compared to the other two. Trimmed with gold on the edges, stitched with a similar design as the queen. Strings of turquoise and glittering crystals set in the silver floral filigree, tying her dark hair into a half-bun acting as a temporary crown, bangs left to curtain her face. Jade earrings dangling from either side of her head. She wore faint violet coloured silk gloves. Covering only her thumb and pinky, the gloves reaching up to her elbows. Mu Qing thinks that she was perhaps the younger sibling of the queen.

The symbol of Xunya stitched on all their sleeves.

Mu Qing inclines his head in respect. Foolishly thinking of how he haven't noticed them until now. He takes a deep breath inconspicuously to calm down. "This prince apologises for the late greetings."

Zi Xianshi waves a hand, her smile widening enough to be called genuine unlike before. It seems Mu Qing had really offended her. "It is alright, your highness. We must have greatly shocked you to act that way."

"Ai, er'zi really has quite the temper." Mu Liu laughs, and Mu Qing resists the urge to glare at him again.

"Yes." Mu Qing offers a false smile. "I have been greatly shocked."

Mu Liu doesn't bother asking him for his tone. Instead, he beckons for the woman in the centre to come closer. Zi Xianshi nods at her once, as the woman slowly struts in elegancy of a pure royal.

"This is her royal highness, sister of queen Zi, Zi Xianxa." Mu Liu holds her hand, and Mu Qing's own with his other. "This is my son, the next ruler of Zhuliu, his royal highness, Mu Qing."

Zi Xianxa's lips quirks up beneath the silk mask, the two strings of pearls on each side dangling with each movement she makes. "It's an honour to meet you, my prince. I have heard alot of stories about your greatness."

"And I, you. However, I don't mean to be blunt, but I haven't heard anything about you." Mu Qing shakes her hand. Already a theory on his mind as to why they were here.

That theory was dreadfully correct.

"Mu Qing, her royal highness, Zi Xianxa will be the future queen of Zhuliu."

"Your future wife."


n. y'all thought this was a smooth ride huh. hArhar, hope you enjoyed!

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