As Misaki excused himself, the younger boy left to take care of lunch, slipping passed Usagi, the older man walked into his second freeloader's room and made his way to where she sat before noticing her manuscript.

After reading the title, he picked it up, flipping the title page back and skimmed through the prologue and the beginning of the first chapter. His speed reading soon slowed before he started reading the first chapter word for word as it described how a young heroin, who just turned fifteen, was dragged down a well by a demon... and after the demon released her, the young girl climbs out of the well only to find that everything was a completely different time and place from before...

Saving her work on her laptop, Kagome stretched her arms once again before she noticed that the manuscript of her first book wasn't on the desk and that Usagi was standing beside her... and reading through her manuscript. The miko writer was silent for a while, watching her role model read her work. The silence was deafening as Kagome saw Usagi make his way to her bed to sit down.

Was he gonna like it? Would he think that she had potential? Would he hate her work?

So many questions went through Kagome's mind as she watched Usagi continue reading.

It was official... Usagi was clearly hooked after just finishing chapter one that had about thirteen pages or more. Kagome's work had fantasy, history, drama, Japanese folklore and mythology, some humor, suspense, and most of all the beginning of a potential romance. Yes, Kagome had great potential as a writer combined with a brilliant muse. Usagi had no doubts that she would become a well-known writer if her work were to be published.

Not able to take the silence, Kagome gave a swallow before speaking, "Ano... Sensei..." Usagi then looked up from his place in reading the second page of chapter two before Kagome continued, "So... what do you think?" Although the manuscript was basically her life story, Kagome didn't know if she had the potential to be a full-fledged novelist.

The violet-eyed man gave a light grin before answering, "Ah, I admit, you have a lot of potential. From what I read so far, the plot has great appeal; taking a girl from a modern present setting and having her thrown into a world and time different from her own in many aspects. If published, it could ultimately become a classic in itself."

"I hope you're not saying that just make me keep my hopes up..."

"Not at all. While I may not be a fantasy novelist, I know a potential fantasy novel when I read it especially with a potential romance with its ups and downs along with drama. And your work had caught my interest. If it's caught my interest, there's no doubt that it will catch the interest of any other reader." Usagi wasn't lying. Yes, he wasn't a writer for fantasy but he knew a good one when he read it. And Kagome's first book was that good.

In his mind, it almost sounded like a whole new idea of Alice in Wonderland but with Japanese history and folklore influencing the plot as well as the action, romance, supernatural, and everything else that made a good book.

Kagome's face warmed slightly at Usagi's praise, not expecting him to say that much after just reading the prologue, chapter one, and the beginning of chapter two.

The first book itself was at least nine chapters long, including the prologue and each chapter was at least ten pages or more with each of her experiences in the feudal era written in great detail. The first series was going to be three volumes altogether talking about how she met all her friends and the events in between while the last chapter will be when she and her friends had faced that fake water god.

Before she made plans on her second series of her adventures, Kagome wanted to finish her first one and hope that volume one would get published. If it did and she got a very good amount of readers and fans, then she'll think about plans for her second series.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2022 ⏰

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