Chapter Four

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This atmosphere... Misaki didn't like it one bit. When he and Kagome arrived at the gate after Usagi-san dropped them off, Tsumi-senpai was waiting for them (well, for him, really). After Tsumi-senpai and Kagome had exchanged greeting, they sounded clipped and curt. And as they looked each other in the eye, you could almost see electricity clash between them as they kept their kind facades.

And now that they were walking to class together, the tension felt really thick, making Misaki uncomfortable to the point of him now knowing that his cousin did NOT like Tsumi-senpai for some strange reason.

Then he remembered what she had said about his eyes yesterday when she came to pick up her schedule. It was clear that she didn't trust him... 'Just like Usagi-san...'

Arriving at the classroom, the tension was still high, and Misaki didn't like it. He really wanted them to get along, not dislike each other.

Misaki opened the door, and saw his teacher there, he smiled, "Good Morning Kyouju."

The teacher, Hiroki, turned around, "good morning." seeing the person behind Misaki, and pointed at Kagome in shock that was similar to yesterday, "Nowaki-onna!!!"

Everyone in the class became silent, until Kagome burst out laughing.

"Good morning to you, too, Kamijou-Kyouju. But I thought that Usami-sensei had told you my name already..." Kagome greeted with a smile once she had calmed down from her laughter. She giggled when she saw her Literature professor blushed a bit, looking at his attendance list, skimming through the names hoping that one of them would ring a bell in his head.

She chuckled a bit, "its Higurashi Kagome, Kyouju. Please remember it since I'm going to be in your class for the rest of the year." Kagome winked at him at that last part before she turned to Misaki, asking where he sat so that she could sit with him.

As Misaki sat between Kagome and Tsumi-senpai, the tension eased up a bit since it seemed like the both of them were too busy paying attention to Kamijou-Kyouju's lesson. Glancing at Tsumi-senpai, Misaki saw that he was jotting down notes while paying attention to what the professor was saying.

Glancing at Kagome... Misaki gasped silently when he saw that Kagome's eyes were closed and her breathing was steady.

'How can she fall asleep at a time like this...?! If Kyouju finds her sleeping, he's going to throw something at her...!' Misaki thought frantically.

He just spoke too soon.

Hiroki found Kagome asleep before yelling with an angry tick on his head, "HIGURASHI!" He threw a piece of chalk at her and before anyone could laugh or say anything Kagome caught the piece of chalk in her hand.

The class went silent, surprised that this was the first time anyone's ever caught something that the Kamijou Devil threw at them, "Yes Kyouju?"

Hiroki twitched. This kid had guts for falling asleep in his class and catching the chalk he threw; he'd give her that, "Would you kindly stay awake now?"

"Hai" Kagome said, giving a yawn, which only made her teacher twitch again before he went back to his lecture.

After that incident, the rest of the class went fairly fast with people just taking notes and asking questions. With the bell ringing for class to be over; everyone got their things gathered, and started to leave.

"Higurashi, can you stay? I would like to talk to you." Hiroki called out to her as she was getting ready to leave with Misaki.

"Hai! Coming!" Kagome turned to Misaki, "You can go ahead and start home. I will see you when I get there."

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