Chapter One

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It was a normal day at Usami's five-bedroom apartment with Misaki washing the dishes after they were finished with breakfast. And as Usami was about to grab the college boy from behind, the phone rang making said boy escape his clutches to go answer it.

"Hello, Usami residence." Misaki paused before hearing a familiar voice from the other end of the line, "Ah, Aunt Kun-loon! How'd you get this number? … Ní-san gave it to you? … Yeah, I'm living with a friend of his until he comes back from Osaka."

"Ehhhh! She's coming here? What for?" Misaki listened, nodding his head, "She's coming here to become a writer? ...ummm... stay here? ...ummm, I don't think it will be a ...wait...!" Misaki looked at the phone that was now beeping....

"She hung up..." He whispered, before falling to his knees and saying a litter louder, "I can't believe she hung up…" as he stared at the phone with wide eyes.

Usami raised a brow at the boy before walk up behind Misaki and asked, "What's wrong? Whom did your brother give my number to?"

"That was my aunt… well, technically, she's one of my distant cousins who insist that I call her my Aunt… she called asking if her daughter could stay with me to go to school since she's studying to become a writer herself. But right when I was about to tell her that's probably a bad idea for her to come… Aunt Kun-loon just hung up." Misaki answered, not able to believe his luck. And he already knew that his wacko landlord was gonna pitch a fit.

"When is she coming over?"

Misaki blinked, "umm. In a little"

"Hmmm" Usami mumbled.

"Are you ok with this…?" Misaki looked over at him, hoping that he wasn't mad.

"It's fine, as long as she stays out of my way." Usami told him in an “I don't care” voice.

After seeing Usami leave for his room, Misaki started to get to work in tidying the place up and getting a room ready for his cousin; all the while with a smile on his face since he hadn't seen her since second year, High School.


Meanwhile, Kagome was riding in a taxi to the address her mother got from her cousin, Takahiro while a little nervous about seeing Misaki after so long. While it's true that they were only distantly related, they were still close and had been since they were little kids. But they had grown a bit apart after Kagome was dragged down the well.

Now, after coming home for good, graduated from high school, and now accepted into M University to major in Japanese Literature, she hopes to be able to spend time with Misaki and maybe find a good job with a magazine or publishing company to earn some money. But for the time being, she'll look for a part-time job to pay for rent and intuition.

The taxi soon came to a stop before the driver turned to her and spoke, "Here we are, missy. Do you need help with your bags?"

"Oh, no thank you. I can manage. You've already helped me so much when helping me getting them in the trunk." Kagome smiled as she paid him before getting out and getting her two other bags in the trunk. Once she got them, the taxi drove off and Kagome looked to the building Misaki was staying in.

"So this is it…" Kagome said as she started walking towards the building, "Not bad…"

Kagome walked up the stairs and to the number that was written down on a piece of paper, "here it is..."

Taking a deep breath before releasing it, she knocked on the door.


Inside, Misaki was just finishing making up Kagome's bed when he heard a knock on the door. He instantly perked up with excitement and yelled out, "I got it! I got it!" Making his way to the front door and opening it, he was met with a pair of familiar deep blue eyes that were nearly covered by dark raven bangs.

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