"Hmm not really, it's unique." Usagi said, "We should be getting you two to class... you have classes today right?" He asked Kagome.

"Ah, not really... I actually start tomorrow. My mom wanted me to come a day early to get my schedule and get settle in before starting Matsuhashi U." Kagome answered before standing up and putting her Dexter hat back on her head.

"I'll drive the two of you to the campus and maybe take you to the main office before getting back."

"Sounds like a plan." Kagome grinned before heading to the door at Misaki came running up with his messenger bag. After putting their shoes on in the entrance hall, they headed out to Usagi's sports car.

"Kagome, are you starting today?" Misaki asked, wondering why she was coming with.

"No, I'm just gonna get my schedule before I start tomorrow." She answered before Misaki let her sit in the front as he made his way to the back seat.

"Hmm... so how many classes are you taking?" Misaki asked, curious.

"Let's see, one... three... four... yeah four sounds about right." Kagome said, as Usagi pulled out into traffic.

"So how are your classes going, Misaki?" She asked.

"They are going pretty well, even though the classes are tough I can get through them!" He told her energetically, making Kagome smile.

"So what did you want to major in?"

"Economics... since that's what Ní-chan wanted to major in."

"I see."

While Usami was driving and absently listening in, he drove into the campus parking lot before cutting off the engine. After the three of them stepped out of the car, they heard someone call out, "Ah, Misaki!"

Turning around, Misaki grinned, "Ah, Tsumi-senpai! Good morning!"

Kagome raised a brow at the guy who was coming up to them, she saw that Misaki's eyes lit up as he went and greeted him. Kagome looked over at Usagi who had a frown on his face. It seemed that he didn't like this 'Tsumi-senpai' and Misaki seemed to like him.

In appearance, this 'Tsumi-senpai' seemed like a nice guy but for some reason... she couldn't shake off the feeling of there was something not right about him, especially with how she kept seeing him making subtle glances at Usami before he noticed that she was there.

When he did notice her, he asked Misaki, "Who's she? Your new girlfriend?"

Kagome frowned when she saw the look in his eyes, he didn't like the idea of her being his girlfriend, and this guy wanted Misaki all for himself, this made something in Kagome want to break out, but she smiled at him, giving him a good impression, "I am Higurashi Kagome, I am a 'childhood friend' of Misa-chan, it's nice to meet you." Kagome bowed and gave him a cute smile.

After Misaki gave a dark mutter that sounded like, 'don't call me Misa-chan', Tsumi spoke, "A childhood friend, huh? How long have you and Misaki known each other?"

"His late father and my mother were good family friends and we've known each other since we were five years old." She answered, her smile not faltering. Oh, she could tell that she wasn't going to like this guy one bit...

Tsumi looked at the girl closer, taking note that she was very attractive if a bit small just reaching Misaki's shoulder. Her hair was longer than most girls, reaching to her mid-thigh. She says that she and Misaki are childhood friends... he had a hunch that she wasn't telling the entire truth of her and Misaki's relationship.

Misaki looked to Tsumi before turning to Kagome and Usagi and back. The air between them was getting thick and tense before he spoke up, "Ano... Gome-chan, you said you wanted to get your schedule, right? I can take you to the main office so you can get it."

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