"Gome-chan! Long time no see!" Misaki greeted before wrapping his arms around Kagome.

Kagome, who wasn't expecting to be glomped, lost her balance and they both ended up on the floor.

"Ugh, you know you’re heavy Misaki…" Kagome muttered from the ground. Kagome heard light chuckling from inside the apartment. Kagome looked up at the door, and her eyes widened a little and thought, 'It can't be....he's living with HIM!'

Inside the apartment chuckling in amusement was her literature idol and erotica role model, Usami Akihiko! Sandy blonde hair, violet eyes, a strong chin- it was definitely him! She momentarily glared at the boy who was still on top of her with his arms around her waist, 'Lucky bastard…'

Getting up from on top of Kagome, Misaki took a better look at her and noticed that her hair was much longer than he remembered it being. She was also dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans and a black bell-sleeved turtleneck with a black Dexter hat on her head. He had to admit that she became very beautiful and her rare blue eyes made her more alluring.

Yes, when they were kids, Misaki used to have such a crush on Kagome that his parents, when they were alive thought that it was adorable. And he adored her even more for her caring nature when she comforted him after his parent's death.

Getting off of her Misaki smiled, "It's nice to see you again!"

Kagome returned the smile, getting up, "You too." She ruffled his hair, earning her protests from him saying that he wasn't a kid anymore.

Kagome bowed to Usami, "Thank you for letting me stay here."

"It's not a problem…" Usami was a bit surprised to see Misaki had glomped a girl who was around his age with dark raven hair that reached her mid-thigh and deep blue eyes. For a young woman who was in college, she was pretty attractive even though he wasn't interested in women. He noticed that, despite that she very petite, she looked very much like a young woman.

'She most likely gets mistaken for a high school student or younger though…' he thought as he watched Misaki lift one of her bags and led her inside, saying that he would lead her to her room. As she was about to pick up her other bags, Usami walked up to her and grabbed her heaviest bag from her.

"Oh!  Usami-sensei, you don't have to help with my bags."

Usami ignored her and followed Misaki, with a protesting Kagome behind. When they made it to one of the extra rooms, one which was next to Misaki's, the two males set Kagome's bags they carried next to the door before letting the mentioned girl in to look at her new room.

Kagome stopped her protests as soon as she saw how big her new room was… it was so much more spacious than her old room! The same went with the bed… it looked like a queen size compared to her twin sized one at home! In the corner of the room, next to the glass sliding doors was a low table that she could use as a desk for her laptop and other writing material as well as her schoolbooks. In another corner was a bookshelf for whatever effects she brought with her.

Happy that Kagome seemed to like the room, Misaki spoke, "Why don't you get settled in Kagome. Once you're done unpacking, come downstairs so that we can have some tea and catch up?"

Turning to her cousin and friend, Kagome smiled and answered, "Okay, I'll be down as soon as I'm finished…"

The two nodded and left the room, leaving Kagome alone in her new room. Sitting on the bed Kagome let out a sigh of relief, "Well that was a big surprise... I never expected to meet the real Usami..."

Kagome opened her bag and pulled out a romance book, "To think I would meet my favorite author and end up living in the same house..." She flipped to the last page where a picture of Usami was and a summery about the author.

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