"Whats your affiliation? Answer or i'll blow your head off."the masked Spetsnaz ask, threatening the faunas to shoot him at the head.

"I-im from the P-people's Army of Mantle.!" And just that, the rifle lowered down in relief.

"Friendlies.."The Lead Spetsnaz muttered through his black mask. "I am Sgt. kir, a Spetsnaz unit. Our leader ordered us to bring you people some weapons against Atlas."

"U-uhhh, Pleasure to meet you sir! I am Morado!" The Boy said, introducing himself to the Russian spetsnaz.

"Apparently my friend, my team i still finding the location of the gateway... it will take them in a minute or so."

And just like that, the Gateway soon open up thanks to the other spetsnaz, the lead Spetsnaz squad let out a small chuckle and look back at the Raccoon boy. "Thats our cue."

Putting his hands over to his ears activating his comms, he then Contacted the Spetsnaz outside from the walls as well inside the walls who opened the gate. He then spoke to them in his native language while Morado watches with a confuse look on his face

"Follow me, we'll meet one our comrade."

Morado nodded to Kir, they all move out from the Raccoon faunas's former hiding place. Going out to the opens near the gate, Morado's tail went slightly stiff hearing something from the distance.

And from there, multiple masked men appeared, armed with the same strange rifle that Kir uses. Then another of them also came through the gate carrying green colored crate on their hand.

"Who is this kid, comrade Kir?" One of the spetsnaz asked the team leader, staring at the Raccoon faunas.

"Ah, this is Morado! His apart of the organization that we need to give the weapons to."he explain, giving small nod coming from the rest of the spetsnaz group. "Comrade Morado, lead us to your base. Will ya?"

"O-of course Sir!" Morado squeak as a respond.

The Raccoon faunas then took the lead, being accompanied by the whole spetsnaz team back to their main head quarters. And it only take about 10-16 minutes for them to reach at the entrance.

"In here, Sir!" The Raccoon exclaimed, it was a trap door hidden somewhere in a large house. Once he opens it up, stairs were revealed before them and quickly made Morado went in first.

"Stay cautious team." Sgt. kir said, following the Raccoon boy into the basement alongside the rest of the spetsnaz.

P.A.M Hideout, Mantle
8:46 pm

As they journey through the stairs that leads to their hideout, the sound of chattering were heard when they went deeper.

Soon enough, Morado made it through the stairs. "Everyone!" He called his comrade out.

Faunas and humans alike stop then look at him, the PAM leader stood from his seat looking at the Raccoon faunas." Ahh, Morado! How is your scout?" He asked him.

"It was fine, Sir! I was able to meet some friends who want to speak with you!"

"Hmm? Bring them here."

Then, group of spetsnaz appear from the entrance door. Everyone from the hideout excluding Morado and the Leader raised both of their guns and blade and in return, the spetsnaz raised their rifles as well.

Tension slowly rises but only to be stop when the leader ordered his men and women to lower their weapons, with this. Everything began to calm down but both of the two faction remain cautious.

"So, your the one that Morado send you here?" The leader ask with his arms crossed to his chest.

"Yes sir, I am Sgt. kir of the Ultranationalist army. We came here to deliver you weapons against the government and forge our friendship." He said, Masked men lowered the crate down opening the cover.

And from the crates, it was full of Russian Ak-47, Rpg-7 & 2, 9k38 igla MANPAD and dozen of ammunition.

Everyone stared at the weapons crate, their eyes were slightly sparkled of their new toy coming from the Ultranationalist Spetsnaz.

"Fascinating... but what does it do?" The leader question, grabbing the Russian kalashnikov from the crate as he inspect its design.

"This is a Ak-47,it fires 7.62x39mm rounds and can reach at a distance in around 300 yards. What so special is that it can pierce through aura, due to the gunpowder use by the bullet."Kir explains.

"IT CAN PIERCE THROUGH AURA?!" He blurted out in shock, He was very surprise to see this weapon can able to pierce through aura with ease unlike dust-based guns that needs to fully empty their clip just to destroy someone's aura. This would be a great advantage for them. "Ohoh...this would be a great weapon against atlas and hunters." He commented with a smirk.

"Indeed sir, we can train your men with this weapon."

"Absolutely!"he exclaimed, clearing his throat. "My apologies, i haven't introduced myself. I am Aurel Topaz, former soldier of the Atlesian army."

Then both of them shook their hands, now. The new acquire friendship has been made between the two factions.

[give new ideas boiz]

The Russian's are coming![Abused M! Reader x Sienna Khan][Hiatus]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora