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Art belongs to it's respectful owner!
A few things to get you started. We all know what (Y/n) and (e/c) is. But these might not be ones used before:
(D/n): Daughter's name
(S1/n): Son 1's name
(S2/n): Son 2's name
(D/h/c): Daughters hair color
That should be all! Also after the break, POV changes and it starts in a dream, hence why it's italicized. Thank you!

(Y/n)'s POV

I smiled at the brunette as he packed his sack, the two young children in my arms reaching for him in an obsessive way. "Thank you." He turned my way, shouldering the sack and sleeping bag. "For putting up with this." He carried on in a quiet tone.

"Have fun, my love." I replied, looking up at him as he stepped over. He bumped his nose against mine affectionately, something that always gave me a sense of safety before his travels. He took the boys and held them for a moment.

"I'll be back." He whispered, a smile gracing his charming face. And as he handed them over to me, he knelt down and kissed our daughters head. "I love you. Behave for your mom, you know the drill." He said, poking her cheek. The young girl giggled and nodded.

"Yes, daddy! I always behave when you're gone!" She promised. "Be safe!" We followed him to the door and waved bye as he left, he didn't look back, but he waved in return.

"Shall we have fun, (D/n)?" I peered down at our 7 year old. Her toothy grin shined at me as she nodded, hopping about.

"I wanna draw! Can we do that?" I closed one eye, twisting my face to form one of thinking.

"Well I don't see why not! Go ahead and set the table. I'll make breakfast while you draw." I watched as she ran off, her (d/h/c) hair bouncing about. Even though Snufkin had this uncanny ability to come home before the kids did anything new, well, he always had with (D/n), I always felt he missed the small moments too. Even though she did the same things when he was around. I headed my way into the kitchen to see (D/n) carefully placing our silverware and plates onto the table. I sat (S1/n) and (S2/n) into their highchairs. I started up cooking eggs and pancakes, making sure to add (D/n)'s favorite into the batter after making the boys and I plain ones.

"Mama, do you miss daddy sometimes?" I paused at her quiet wonder, debating on answering. I was teaching her to be truthful. And we did this every month. He'd be gone for a week or maybe even two, depending on if (D/n) was at school. And he didn't go last month due to our 8 month olds getting sick from our 7 year old. I cleared my throat, stepping over and grabbing her plate to place food on it, stopping momentarily to kiss the top of her head.

"Yeah I do, baby girl." I finally answered, stacking her plate full of food, giving it to her and starting to add food to my son's plates. I sat between the highchairs, facing where (D/n) sat. "But you know, I always find happiness when I see you." I added, once settled into place. "Do you miss daddy sometimes?" My brows furrowed and I looked at her as she picked at her eggs.

"Yeah. But daddy loves us!" She reassured, and I was unsure if it was herself or me she wanted to comfort.

"Oh, very much so. Daddy loves you, and (S1/n), and (S2/n)! And he-" She cut me off, looking up.

"So why does he keep leaving?" Her eyes had glistened over and I stopped mindlessly cutting into the pancakes, standing and speed walking her way.

"Baby, you're too young to understand." I whispered, kneeling and wiping her face. "Daddy likes nature, and being alone with his thoughts. You know how sometimes you like going to your room and playing alone?" She nodded and I smiled at her softly. "That's what daddy is doing." I explained. "You love us even when you play on your own, right?" She nodded more, still tears ran down her face in thin streams and I could feel my eyes water, at a loss. I always did this in my room after a couple of days into the week. Not right away, and definitely not in front of my daughter. "He loves us even when he goes on his camping trips. He thinks of us when he's out, I promise, baby girl." Her hands grabbed my cheeks and my eyes widened as she rubbed my face like I did hers when she cried.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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